
发布 2022-12-11 00:54:28 阅读 5450

unit 10 if you go to the party, you’ll h**e a great time!

key words

organize ['naizv.组织;筹备

tr**el ['trvlv.旅行

trust [trstv.相信;信任。

advise [d'vaizv.劝告;建议

solve [slvv.解决;解答

video ['vidiun.录像;录像带。

chocolate ['tkltn.巧克力

advice [d'vaisn.劝告;建议。

agent ['eidntn.**人;经纪人。

expert ['eksp:tn.专家。

teenager ['ti:neidn.青少年

wallet ['wlitn.皮夹,钱包

mistake [mi'steikn.错误;失误

experience [ik'spirinsn.经验;经历 v.经历

halfway [,ha:f'weiadj./ adv.中途的;部分地做

else [elsadj. /adv.别的;其他的。

upset [p'setadj.难过的,失望的。

normal ['n:rmladj.正常的;一般的

worried ['wridadj.担心的;烦恼的。

angry ['riadj.生气的;发怒的

careless ['kerlsadj.粗心的,不小心的

understanding [,ndr's***iadj.善解人意的;体谅人的

certainly ['s: tnliadv.当然;肯定。

unless [n'lesconj.除非,如果不


1. h**e a class party2. run away

3. be angry with sb4. be angry at/about sth

5. give sb. some advice6. make mistakes

7. make (a lot of) money8. get an education

9. keep…to oneself10. tr**el around the world

11. solve a problem12. school clean-up

notes1. can you give me some advice please?

1) advice 是名词。


a piece of advicetake one’s advice

2) advice nv. 建议某人做某事。



2. unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse.




3. his dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself.

(1) careless反义词。

2) mistake为名词

拓展】① 在某方面犯错误。


错误地。4. make money

拓展】 攒钱。


make a decisionmake faces/a face

make mistakes/a mistakemake a promise

make fun ofmake a plan for

make up one's mindmake friends with

6. it is best not to run away from our problems.

1) it is best (not) to do sth


2) run away

7. if people h**e problems, they should talk to other people.

talk to


unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse


the teachermy mothermy study.

8. we should always try to solve them.

solve 的名词形式的方法。

9. students often forget that their parents h**e more experience.

experience n. 经历经验。

please tell us your experiences in teaching

experience is the best teacher

experience v. 体验 h**e you ever experienced real hunger?

experienced有经验的、熟练的 he is an experienced doctor.



在if引导的条件状语从句中,if为连词,意为这时主句不能用be going to 表将来。带有条件状语从句的句子属于句。


1. if i h**e enough money, i’ll tr**el around the world.

i’ll tr**el around the world if i h**e enough money.

2. —i think i’ll stay at homeif you do,you’ll be sorry.


i don’t know if he will come tomorrow.


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