
发布 2020-06-01 08:42:28 阅读 8541


二、unit 10 单词。

三、unit 10 词组。

四、unit 10句型。


1i you? (我能帮助你吗?)

2. ibuy shoes. (我想买些鞋子)

3. howthe black shoes? (黑色的鞋子多少钱)



want a of those blue我想要一条那样的蓝色牛仔裤)

7you wantelse? (还要点别的吗?)




help帮助help sb. to do = help sb. do 帮助某人做某事。

mummethe door.

mummethe door. (妈妈,帮我开门)


something else和anything else.

something else用于肯定句,anything else用于否定句和一般疑问句。

do you want

i don’t want

she hasfor me.


both 和 all : both 指两个人或物,all 指三个以上的人或物。

of us want to go . 我们两个都想去。

of us should work hard. 我们都应努力工作。


want to do something: 想要做某事。

we want togo) skiing this winter holiday.

he wants toeat) noodles at home.


how much is….?how much are…?

how muchthe blue skirts?

how muchthis pencil?


a pair of : 一双;一对, of 后的名词用复数。 如果是2或2对以上,pair要用复数如:

aof shortsa pair trousers.

two pairs of shoesthree of glasses.


i’ll = i will 我将;我会否定形式: i will not = i won’t

go swimming. 我会去游泳。


can i help you? 我能帮你吗?


同义句: what can i do for you? 或者 may i help you?


a and b is c.” 表示“a+b等于c”。

用英语表示: 11+ 20 = 31.

课堂训练:1) 读单词,选出不同类的一项。.

)1. a. shoe b. jeans c. pair d. sock

)2. a. blue d. black

)3. a. web. them c. id. he

)4. a. buyb. take c. want d. some

)5. a. new b. nicec. expensive d. like

)6. a. those d. you

)7. a. china b. japan c. india d. english

2) 选择题。

) 1i help you?

a. am b. do c. can

) 2. how are the black trousers?

a. many b. much c. old d. long

) 3. the toy dolls are ok. i ‘ll take

b. their

) 4. do you want else?

a. everything c. nothing d. something.

) want a pair of

a. dress b. shirt

) 6. aki a yellow clothes.

a. wear wear d. wearing

) 7. let see.

a. i d. mine

) 8. is that with a blue face?

d. who

3) 连词成句。

1. h**e we these shirts brown

2. the how are green much pencils

3. some i to buy shoes want

4. a i hat will wear

5. jeans the are black nice

6. her i see can’t face

4) 按要求完成下列句子。

1. the socks are twelve yuan (就划线部分提问)

are the socks?

2. i want to buy a chinese book. (改为一般疑问句)

want to buy a chinese book?

3. i ‘ll take it. (改为否定句)

itake it.

4. i like the red skirt. (改为否定句)

ithe red skirt.

5) 补全对话所缺的单词。

can iyou?

yes, please. i want tosome socks.

we h**e many socks. theyover there.


根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1your你最喜欢的运动是什么?2f ourite sport is我最喜爱的运动是跑步 3.i likevolleyball.我喜欢打排球 4.ivery我很快。5do you like你喜欢做什么?6.you likebest?所以说你最喜欢游泳?六 知识考点。知识考...


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