
发布 2020-06-01 08:45:28 阅读 9646


二、unit 6 单词。

三、unit 6 词组。

四、unit 6 句型。


1many classrooms there in your school?


2. our school thirtyclassrooms. (我们学校有35间教室)

3. are they big or它们是大的还是小的?)

4. thereforty and fortyin one classroom.




多少: how many 和 how much

how many 后+可数名词复数。

how much后+不可数名词。

howwater is there in the bottle?

howpears are there in the box?

另外,how much 可以用来问**。如:-how much is the computer? it’s 3 thousand.


-what’s … and…?

3加4等于多少? 等于7.

what’s three four ? three and four is seven.


or: 或者,表示选择。 which do you like, tea coffee?

-are the classrooms big small? -they are big.

知识考点四】 数词十几和几十的表示。

十到二十之间的整数,除了eleven, twelve 外,其他词尾均为teen. 分别为,thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.

二十开始的整十数词尾均为ty, 分别为twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety.

几十几”,在“几十”与“几”之间有一个连字符“-”如 thirty-nine, twenty-four.


play music: 中的play 意思为: “演奏”“**”。要跟“play football/ basketball”区别开来。


建筑物: building.

class building : 教学楼。

课堂训练:1) 算一算。

1. twelve+ eighteen

2. forty+ ten

3. forty * two

4. six+seven

5. fifty-thirty

2) 选择题。

) 1. are they big small?

a. and b. toc. or

) 2. there twenty english teachers in our school.

a. am b.

) 3bedrooms are there in your room?

a. what b. how many c. how much

) 4. nine and twenty twenty-nine.

a. am b. isc. are

) 5. how many are there on the desk?

a. book b. a book c. books

) 6. -what is three five? –it’s eight.

a. and b. arec. to

) 7. how many bananas on the table?

a. there are b. h**e c. are there

) 8. fifty-four and thirteen is .

a. fifty-seven c. seventy-seven

) 9. our school a library.

b. has c. there is

3) 选择合适的选项完成对话。

a: jackclassrooms are there in your school?

b: there areclassrooms.

a: are they big or small?

b: they are

a: is there a

b: yes, there is.

a: where is it?

b: it’sthe gym.

a. behind b. how many c. twenty d. big e. swimming pool

4) 为下面的句子找到答语。

how many buidings are there in your schoolthere are forty-five desks.

what is fifty and fortyninetyare they big or smallyes, there is.

how many desks are there in your classroom? there are two buildings.

is there a swimming pool in your schoolthey are big.

5) 连词成句。

1) are there rooms our in four house

2) school many your are there in how classrooms

1) they big small or are

4) school a room our music has

6) 选用所给的单词填空。

1we, our) classroom is big.

2) the boy in front of the old man isi, me) .

3) letmy, me) showyou, your) my new house.

4) i read books inme, my) bedrooms.

5) my schoolh**e, has) 20 classrooms.

6) how many teachersis, are) there in your school?

7)the yellow building over there is the gym. we h**e pe lessons (here, there.)

8) –is the kitchen bigand, or) small? –it’s small, but it’s clean.

9) we usually h**e pelesson, lessons) in the gym.

7) 阅读短文,判断下列句子,用“t”和“f”表示。

boys and girls, welcome to our school! it’s very big. this is our classroom.


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