
发布 2023-01-07 05:18:28 阅读 7940



section a (预习)

一. 动词词汇预习:

1. 看电视锻炼看电影购物上网读书滑滑板做家务。

二. 频率副词预习:


三. 句型预习:

1. ab: i usually do homework on weekends.

2. ab: i watch tv three times a week.

3. ab: he surfs the internet on weekdays.

4. ab: he hardly ever surfs the internet.

5. ab: it’s animal world.

四. 第三部分阅读预习:(翻译)

1. the results of

2. three or four times a week

3. be active

4. as for

5. the results for “watch tv”

section a (学案)

一. listening (section a,1b)


1. i can’t stand shopping.


2. i love reading.


二. listening (2a,2b)


reporter: so, chengdo you watch tv?


hmn…abouti guess.

r: u h—huh. and how often do you __

c: oh, iat school.

r: how often do you

c:uhh…let’s see… maybe

r: how often do you __

c: oh, i __about

r: how often do you shop?

ci shop about

三. 相关练习:

1. 你们多久去次公园?每星期一次。

do you go to the park?

2. 他多久去购一次物?大约一个月两次。

he go __

about __a __

3. 关于那个故事,已经家喻户晓了。

the story, it’s well known.

section b (预习)

一, 词组互译。

.垃圾食物2.want sb. to do sth3.对...有害/益4.get good grades5.尽量吃蔬菜6.my eating habits 7.健康生活方式8.9放学回家10.the same as

二, 试对比以下用法(写出翻译)

good for

be good to

2. try to do

try doing

try on

try one’s best


4. different __difference___

5. look after (well

take good care of

6. little 比较级最高级___



7. keep +doing

keep +形容词。

section b (学案)

一. listening (2a,2b)

if you are a doctor, can you give bill some good advice to make him healthier, bill shouldab

cde三, reading (3a)

1. 多读书对我们有好处。

itus to do more reading.

2. 多吃蔬菜能帮你保持身体健康。

___a lot of vegetables can help you to

3. 你每天晚上睡多少个小时?我每晚睡八个小时。

do you sleep every night?

i sleep __eight __every night.

4. 我的健康生活方式能帮我取得好成绩。myhelps me __good grades.

5. 你必须尽量少吃肉。

you musteat __meat.

5. 老师不想让我们迟到。

teachers don’tlate for school.


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