
发布 2022-12-28 16:10:28 阅读 5196

八年级英语下册unit 6单元综合检测学案持案人。

unit 6单元综合检测。






参加13.尽某人最大努力 in___a new world sth with on one foot19.说得好20.

梦之队b.词性转换反义)__名词)__同义)__形容词)__形容词形容词)__反义,副词形容词)__动词) _复数)__序数)__二.课本要点和语法专练a.单项选择。

bought us a piece of __news and everyone was __at jump __you.

long as good as far as farther as3. how wide is the river? -about

a.20-metres-wide b.20metrewidec.

20-metres-wided.20metreswide4. after a few days’work , they __who was the found b.

know c. find out d. found out

5. i want to __a music club to __the singing join; take part in b. take part in; join

c. join; joind. take part in; take part in

6. many parents like to compare their kids __other to b. with c.

in d. at7. how many students like this picture?

of us like it. it looks b. nobody one

meeting willat nine o’clock tomorrow happened place taken place

arrivea. where b. why c. how d. all the subjects, chemistry seems to be __for me .


八年级英语下册unit 6单元综合检测学案持案人。

sings __in her class .

a. good b. better c. best d. the better

the two coats, she’d like to choose the __one to s**e moneyfor a book.

b. cheaper expensive expensive

actress is already 50,but she looks __than she really young younger younger

grandfather’s death had __important influence on d./

boy asked his father

it happens did it was it happen it happenedb.用所给词的适当形式填空。

h**e beenwait) for you for more than two apples weigh ten __kilo).

you guess who jumps __far) in the world? dream abouttr**el) around the world.

told me where shewant) to go that must do __we)best __improve)our team came intwenty-one)in the keptfall) off the pizzas.

changjiang river is thelong) river in you evergrow) plants in your own garden?c.句型转换。


this bridge is 100 metresthat goes to the park every two weeks.(划线部分提问)

he __to the park.

is taller than any other student in his class.(改为同义句)

he isin his 根据汉语意思完成句子。


ion one foot forthree minutes.2.聚会比世界纪录更重要。

the gathering isthan a world record.3.昨天,我要你们做一些关于奥运会的历史的调查。

yesterday i asked youon thehistory of the olympics.


don’ti’m sure you can catch up with other students.


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