
发布 2022-12-18 11:41:28 阅读 4243

unit6 an old man tried to move the mountains.(第一课时)

section a (1a-2d)



射击石头虚弱的神, 上帝。





1. 观察**并讨论完成1a,试着讲述这些中国古典故事。

2. 大声朗读1a中的句子,然后使用1a中的信息完成1c并作出展示。

3. 熟悉1b,并进行听力训练。

4. 小组内讨论1c并作出展示,并进行2a,2b的听力准备和训练。

5. 结合2c练习和2a,2b的听力素材,进行2d对话表演。。


1. try to do sth设法做某事;try on试穿;try out尝试,实验;try one’s best尽全力;

h**e a try试一下。

2.与how 有关的短语:how big多大、how far多远、 how soon多久、how long 多长、

how often多久一次、how wide 多宽、how many/much多少。

和instead of

1) instead 是副词,意思:代替,顶替。通常位于句末。


mr wang is ill. i will take his class

2) instead of 是介词短语,意思:“代替、而不是”后面可接名词,代词,动名词等。


the two boys will do their homework at homeplaying.

4. 辨析another、other、others、the others、the other




4)the others“其余的”指在一个范围内的其他全部。如lisa is taller than the others in our class。在我们班里莉莎比其余的人都要高。

5)the other“另一个”指两者中的一个。one…the other…一个…. 另一个….

如: i h**e two sisters。one is a teacher;the other is a doctor。

5、辨析neither; either; both



3)both“两者都” both…and…



1 he tried __climb) the mountain, but he failed.

2 yu gong kept __try) and didn’t __give) up.

3 but what could yu gong do instead of __move) the mountains.

4 do you find a good waysolve) the problem?

5 my mother always tells me not to give up __work) hard.

areuse)to cut things .

children were told that the sunrise)in the east.

i realized someonefollow)me.

lived here since hecome)to the city .

likes mego) swimming with him this afternoon

单项选择。 )1. once upon a time, an old man tried __the mountains.

a. not move b. not to move c. moving d. to move

) 2. zhang lan is ill. let me go to the meeting instead

a. of she b .of her c .off she d. off her

) i walked past the park, i saw some old people __chinese taiji.

a. do b. did c. doing d .are doing

) phone you as soon as i __

a. get to home b. got to home c. get home d. got home

) 5. you can’t cross the street now. you h**e to wait __the traffic lights turn green.

a. when b. after c. until d .while

)6.--can i park my car here?

can park___side of the street.

) asked lucy and lily some easy questions, but___of them could answer them.

) used to be river in front of the city

a. did it b. usedn’t it c. didn’t there d. did there

)9. let’s turn the radio down. your father

sleeping sleep

)10.—where is bob?

he __to the library.

going been gone

) long may i your bike ?

)12..i don’t know when he ,but if he ,i’ll call you .

comesb. will come, comes

will come d. will come, will come


unit6 an old man tried to move the mountains.(第二课时)

section a 3a- 3c


1.翻译。1.变成2.物体;物品 n___3.隐藏;隐蔽 v4.尾巴n___

5.有魔力的;有神奇力量的adj6.棍;条 n7.使激动;使兴奋___

8.西方国家的;尤指欧美的adj9. 从前。



1. 认真阅读3a中的问题,带着问题阅读,找出答案并完成练习。

2. 再读文章,勾画出其中的重点短语。

3. 独立完成 3b,3c,并在小组中作展示。

4. 小组成员大声朗读grammar focus,并作出准确翻译。


的用法:sound 感官系动词,意思:“听起来”后接形容词或that 从句,类似的系动词还有:

taste, look, smell, feel等。常用结构:sound like “听起来像”

what do you think of the song “you and me”?

-it __great. i love singing it.

a tastes b looks c smells d sounds.

whom, whose, 三者都可指人,whose还可指物, who 在定语从句中做主语,宾语或表语;whom 在定语从句中只做动词或介词的宾语;whose在定语从句中只做定语,修饰后面的名词。

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