
发布 2022-12-28 23:10:28 阅读 4532

课题: unit 6 how long h**e you been collecting shells?

学案二(section a 3a-4)


1. 知识目标。

1) 掌握下列单词:pair, skater, raise, several

2) 巩固现在完成进行时。

2. 能力目标:灵活运用现在完成进行时。


1. 重点:掌握并灵活运用句型“how long...

2. 难点:灵活运用现在完成进行时态。


一) 预习检测,导入新课。




three and a half year

2. 想一想。

1). 从课本p46上3a文章中的哪句话我们可以知道这是一篇记者的现场报道稿?

2). who was the first one to start skating? how long has she been skating?

3). how long h**e sam and lu ning been skating?

二) 自主学习,**新知。

1} for every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.







he g**e a book to___of his parents.

___man and woman knows that.

2}alison was the first one to start and has been skating for...艾莉森是第一个开始的,已经滑了。

the first one to start, 这里的one是代词,指代skater“滑冰者”。一般指上文曾提到过的那类物种的一个。 常见的一个结构:

be+序数词+sb.+to do sth “第几个做某事的人”

eg: she is always the first one to get to school.她总是第一个到达学校的人。

3}three and a half. 3年半了。

含有half的表达方式: 数词+名次(单/复数)+and+a half

数词+and+a half+名词(复数)

一个半小时 one/an hour and a half两个半小时 two hours and a half

one and a half hourstwo and a half hours

三) 当堂训练,知识巩固(注:当堂训练作业满分10分)

1. 单项选择。

)(1). she began to skate___

a. for two and a half years b. since two years and a half c. two and a half years ago

)(2). he has been teaching in the school __he was twenty years old.

b. at c. since d./

)(3). i was __get to the top of the hill.

a. the first one to b. the first one c. the one first to d. first one to

)(4). lucy is ill. she has been away from school for___

a. one day and half b. one and a half days c. one and half a day d. a half and one days

)(5). jack has been studying chinese in this school __the year 2000.

a. since b. in c. for d. by

2. 根据括号中所给动词的提示完成下列句子及对话。

6).mike is hard-working. he is always the first one __come) to school and the last one___le**e).

7)he began toten years ago. and hefor ten years.(sing)

8)--ayoulike) englishb:yes, i do.

---a:how longyoulearn) it? -b: for five years.

9)isleep) for only three hours.

10)--a: whatyoudob:we are watching a new movie.

---a: how longyouwatch) it? -b: since ten o'clock.


1. there are many shops on every side of the street

2. i g**e a present to every one of her parents

3. i saw each was busy with his work

4. i think every answer of the three is right

4、教学小结: 掌握【自主学习,**新知】里的内容,进一步巩固现在完成进行时的用法。

五、课后练习:《课堂同步练习册》section a部分的习题。



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