
发布 2022-12-28 23:12:28 阅读 2199

unit6 enjoy cycling

2. it will take us a few days to get there by bike.

take在此句中译成:“花费”.其句型是it takes sb +时间 to do sth.

3. it’s too far to cycle.

too…to…译成:太 …不能….,特别是to译成:不能。

eg:we must think over carefully before we make an important decision.

i decided to make peace with him.

6. i’d like to book some tickets to mount tai on march 13th.

we h**e tickets at¥145 for the hard sleeper and ¥224 for the soft sleeper.

去…的票a ticket to; …价位的一张票a ticket at;

一张硬/软卧的票a ticket for the hard/soft sleeper.

7. i h**e a wonderful time on mount tai.

h**e a wonderful time译成:“玩得愉快”.其同义词有h**e a good time/

enjoy oneself.

eg:we had a wonderful time at his party last night.


1) 作表语, 常用在系动词之后。(用来解释说明主语)

your group’s task is to find out the cost to go by train.


2) 作主语, 常用it(形式主语)代替, 不定式放在后面做真正主语。

常用句型:it is adj for sb to do sth.

it is important to learn english well. 学好英语非常重要。

4) 作宾语, 常用在want; refuse; hope; begin; try; forget; learn; plan; decide; need 等及物动词后,构成动宾结构。

i want to buy some books. 我想去买一些书。

we hope to be teachers. 我们希望成为教师。

don’t forget to call me. 别忘了打**给我。

5) 作宾补,invite, ask, tell, teach, encourage, get…sb to do sth

mr lin always encourages us to study hard.

please tell him to come here earlier tomorrow morning.

6) 作定语,常用在被修饰的名词/代词之后。

i h**e some exciting news to tell you. 我有一些令人激动的消息告诉你。

i want something to drink. 我想要些喝的东西。


we should put a show to raise money.

we had better open the windows often to keep the room fresh.

topic 2how about exploring the ming tombs.


unit6 enjoying cycling topic1 we re going on a spring field trip section a 1.有一些令人兴奋的消息告诉你。2.进行一个为期三天的旅行。3.骑自行车到那里将花费我们几天时间。4.决定做某事ab.他下定决心努力学习。heto s...


教案 孔迪 unit6 topic1 2017春季第4周。topic 1 i h e some exciting news to tell you.section a 学习目标。1 词汇 field,proper,mount,vehicle,airline,price,total,partner 2...


八下英语期中复习unit6 一 词汇部分。topic1 春游go on a three day visit to it take s sb sometimes sth it s too adj.for sbsth 对 某人 来说做某事太 查明,找出over the phone decide on u...