
发布 2022-12-10 23:37:28 阅读 6100

unit6 enjoying cycling

topic1 we’re going on a spring field trip

section a





他下定决心努力学习。heto study hard.

hestudy hard

5. tom太小了,不能去上学。tom isyounggo to school

a. tom ishe can’t go to school.

b. tomto go to school.

6. tom足够大可以去上学。tom isoldhe can go to school.

tom isgo to school.



let’ssomeabout our school.

9. 你的任务是努力学习。your taskstudy hard.

10.打**问航空公司 __the airlinethe phone

11.决定去那里的最佳方式the best waythere

12. the book cost me five yuanthe book cost?

13. it takes me half an hour to go there.

it __you to go there?


tomvisit jiuzhaigou.

15. a:thank you very much.( b: can you help me

a my pleasure. b with pleasure.

section b

1. tom wants a new book.=toma new book.

2. she arrived at the station at ten. =shethe station at ten.

3. she __at five o’clock.

a gotb reached c arrived

4. we h**e tickets145the hard sleeper.

5. 我花了10元钱买这本书。

iten yuanthis book.

iten yuanthis book.

this bookme ten yuan.

6. can i help youcan iyou?

section c

1. this mobile phone is too expensive. i can’t __it.(买不起)

2. 他告诉我们不要向父母要钱。

he told usour parentsmoney.

3. i don’t know what we should do =i don’t know

wants to know how she should do it.=she wants to know

5.他有很多可以一起玩的朋友。he __many friends

6. yesterday my mom bought a new skirt __me.



the best waymoney isnews*****s.

9. why don’t wea fashion show? (上演)


13. 有很多可供参观的有趣的地方。

there are many interesting places

can do exercise on the playground, such asplay) basketball.

15. i’m looking forward tohear) from you.

often receives /gets a letter from his father.=tom oftenhis father.

section d

had a good time yesterday.=tomyesterday.

me as soon as janecome) back.


4. jane想出了) a good idea.

topic 2 how about exploring the ming tombs?

section a

1.请tom 接**。i’d like totom.

is busyprepare) for the exams.

3. tom 在度假。 tom isvacation.

4. why notexplore) beijing __bike?

aboutexplore) beijing __our bikes?

with her parentswatch)tv now.

and her parentswatch) tv now.

8. 选词填空when, while

a. jane was h**ing a class __mike was climbing a tree.

b. mike came in the classroom __jane was reading a book.

c. jane was watch tv __her mom came in.

section b

you tell meabout your parents?

a anythingb something c nothing

2.选词填空:either, each, both

are many trees on __side of the tree.

are many trees on __sides of the tree.

about two and a half hours from here to chongqing by bike.(提问)

is it from here to chongqing by bike?

4. is___southwest of china.

b. japan issouthwest of china.

c. sichuan is __the southwest of chongqing.

section c

1. the cup装满了)water.

2. the cup装满了)water belongs to (属于) me.

amat__ thenews.(surprise)

5. tom sat theresilent).

6. janego) to chongqing until her mother___come) back.

couldn’t helplaugh) .

can’t waitsee) her good friend.

section d

1a fine winter morning(in/on)

rode to school yesterday.=janeschool __bike.


unit6 enjoy cycling 2.it will take us a few days to get there by bike.take在此句中译成 花费 其句型是it takes sb 时间 to do sth.3.it s too far to cycle.too to 译成 太 不...


1 词汇运用 a.根据所给句子和汉语提示写出恰当的单词,每空一词。you like观鸟 go to the市场 together,shall we?usually go to the zoo to观察 birds?sleep with heads under their翅膀 h e long thi...


教案 孔迪 unit6 topic1 2017春季第4周。topic 1 i h e some exciting news to tell you.section a 学习目标。1 词汇 field,proper,mount,vehicle,airline,price,total,partner 2...