人教版八年级英语下册Unit6导学案 2

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unit 6第二课时section a(ii)导学案。

一).自主学习:掌握单词remind god weak instead of hide magic(二)质疑释疑。

1.against介词必须和be或其它动词一起用,表示“与……对抗”our school played against k high school at are for peace and against war.

2、visit及物动词,名词是visitor也可用作名词,表示参观。访问。常构成词组make a visit to……(参观,访问)be on a visit to……(正在参观/访问中)go ona visit to……(去访问,去参观)this is my first visit to beijing.

mr. brown ison a visit to china.

3.keep的用法,keep doing sth.意思是继续不断的做某事,一直做某事。the baby kept crying until his mother came back.


1).keep+adj.意思是保持某种状态you must keep quiet in the library.(2).

keep+sb/sth +表地点的介词短语。意思是让某人一直在某地,you’d better keep the chicken in the fridge.

3). keep sb,/ doing sth.意思是防止某人/某物做某事。

4). keep on doing sth.意思是反复做某事。

don’t keep on shouting at provide homes for many endangered animals.他们为许多濒临灭绝动物提供家园…


提供……给……人”是provide...for...the school provides us with all the materials we need.


we are provided with everything we need for work.我们被提供了工作所需要的一切。

the school provides all the books we need for us.学校为我们提供我们需要的书籍。【友情提示】

provide for是“供养”的意思。

he has a large family to provide for.他要养活一个大家庭。

4. and help to educate the public about caring for them.(p120)并且帮助教育公众关爱它们。

care for表示“喜欢”,“关心”之意,后接名词或v-ing形式作宾语,take careof也有这个意思。

he cared nothing for skating.他对滑冰没有兴趣。

in our class, we care for each other.在我们班上,我们相互关心。

精品资料。maria takes good care of everybody.玛丽亚很关心大家。

友情链接】carefor还可以表示“照顾”,“照料”,相当于takecareof或look after。

at night he fed and cared for the cattle.夜里他照料牲口,给牲口喂食。you must care for yourselves.

you must look after yourselves.你们要照顾好自己。the children are well cared for in the nurseries.

the children are taken good care of in the nurseries.孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。(三).当堂检测。


people are worried about you ever___a zoo before?

don’t think zoos areplaces for animals to live.

and some dangerous animalsin cages in the necessarythe zoo is atextbook forus.

tv programpeople to protect the large animals canmove in the cage.


dangerous for animals to drink if the water becomes p.

animals are gand friendly to animal weighsabout 200 p.

is a habitat that has never been dby you know the rwhy they didn’t come?

nose of the elephant is about two meters l.

are places of great pfor some endangered animals.ⅲ.句型转换。

endangered animals are looked after in the zoo.(改为同义句)some endangered animals areof in the are trying to s**e the manatees .(对画线部分提问)are people trying?

seems that polar bears are gentle animals.(改为同义句)polar bears seemsgentle animals.

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