八年级英语 下 学案14孙培培

发布 2022-12-22 18:01:28 阅读 1902

unit 2 i’ll help to clean up the city parks.

sectionb(2c-3b) 第七课时。





一、 能根据2b短文理解,完成2c,2d,2e练习。


学法指导】一、 熟读2b短文,达到能复述。

二、 根据2b短文,完成2c,2d,2e练习。

三、 根据3a,3b题目要求,利用所学知识表达自己想做的公益活动。

课堂活动】一、 熟读课文,找学生复述。

二、 根据2b完成2c,2d,2e练习。

三、 **与总结。

i’m strong in ……我在….方面很强。

be strong in 意为“在……方面很强,在…….方面突出。”

eg. he is strong in english.

clean up 打扫(或清除)干净cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来。

give out 分发;散发come up with想出;提出(主意,计划,回答等)

put off 推迟hand out分发call up 打**给(某人);征召。

used to 曾经…..过去…. care for 照顾;非常喜欢 at the age of…在…岁时。

try out 参加…选拔;试用 come true 实现 at the same time 同时。

put up 举起;张贴take after 想象 fix up 修理;装饰。

be similar to ……与……相像give away赠送;捐赠。

set up建立;设立make a difference 影响;有作用


5、完成self check习题。

四、 反思总结。

过关检测】1、her mother is ill . she has to stay at home and __her mother.

a. look atb. look for c. look after d. look over

2、study hard and you canothers.

a. catch up b. catch up with c. catch hold of d. get along with

3of the students like to talk with the teacher.

a. eachb. everyonec. every d. both

4、mum, i volunteer my timethe plates today.

a. washing b. washed c. to wash d. be washed

5、the cd is too noisy. would you pleasea little?

a. turn it on b. turn it down c. turn it up d. turn down it

6、the new teachernew books to all the students.

a. put up b. g**e up c. hand out d. set up

7、the children decidetheir school yard this friday afternoon.

a. cleanb. to clean c. cleaning d. cleaned

8、—john isn’t happy today. let’s go andgood idea.

a. cheer up him b. cheer him up c. to cheer up

9、our houses are similarstyle, but yours has a small garden.

a. with b. to c.


1、 the teacher g**e out the test *****s to the students. (改为一般疑问句)

the teacherout the test *****s to the students?

2、what do you do? please tell us. (合并为一句)

please tell us

2、 gina takes after her aunt. (对划线部分提问)


3、 we g**e some money to the children. they were very poor. (合并为一句)

we g**e some money to the childrenvery poor.

5、i want to volunteer as a nurse because i love helping others. (对划线部分提问)

you want to volunteer as a nurse?


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