八年级英语 下 学案4郭春阳

发布 2022-12-22 18:02:28 阅读 3142

unit 1 what’s the matter? section a (4a---4c) 第四课时 4


2.重点句型:what should she do? she should take her temperature.

should i put some medicine on it? yes, you should./ no, you shouldn’t.

3.词及短语:see a dentist, put some medicine on the cut, fall down,etc.



1.掌握grammer focus中的句子对话及句型。

2.根据题意完成4a, 4b的练习题的内容。



1. see a dentist是固定词组,意为“看牙医”,相当于go to a dentist.有相同用法的还有。

see a doctor “看医生,看病” ,相当于go to a doctor

you should你应该去看牙医。

you are ill. you had better __the doctor right now.

a look at b see c watch

2. you should go home and get some rest.

get some rest 意为“得到一些休息”,rest是休息,不可数名词。类似的短语有:

get some sleep get some exercise

i thing you shouldon the weekends.(锻炼)

3. fall down 意为“摔倒”, fall off 意为“摔下来”,指从一定高度的地方摔下来。

i didn’tyesterday, ifrom the bicycle.



1. the lady tookx-ray and she showed __x-ray to the doctor .

a. a; the b. an; the c. a; a d. an; an

2. you __go to bed early because there will be a final exam tomorrow.

a. shouldb. shouldn’t c. cand. can’t

3. can you see the boys __football on the playground?

they are my classmates.

a. to playb. playing c. playsd. played

4. did you __some medicine?

a. takeb. eatc. drinkd. s**e

5. i h**e a toothache. i h**e to

a. go to the dentistb. go to the dentist’s

c. see the dentist’sd. drink some milk

6. _you h**e a sore throat?

a. dob. arec. can d. should

7. i couldn’t do it __your great help. thanks a lot!

a. with b. without c. for d. to

8. the bus is coming. be careful when you __the bus.

a. get on b get off c get up d get to

9. -i h**e a pain in my back

a it doesn’t matter b congratulitions! c you’d better go to a doctor.


昨天感冒了,他感觉不好 。

d**idyesterday and he


youat once.


if youyesterday, you should go home and

4. 他胃疼,因此他不应该吃太多的垃圾食品。

heso he wasjunk food.


1. if you h**e a __stomach), you should take this medicine.

2thank) to your help, i can buy the train ticket.

3. his __foot ) are aching.

4. mary __lie) down and took breaks.

5. jack had no troublework) out this math problem.


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