
发布 2022-12-22 06:40:28 阅读 6356

unit 9 when was he born?

主备人:xxx 审稿人:八年级英语教师审批:nov.25th,2011





第一课时。学习内容】:1a—2c of section a (p53-54)


1、international adj.国际的;国家间的;世界的,an international meeting一个国际会议,nation n.国家;民族 ,national adj.

国家的;民族的 national flag 国旗,national day 国庆节。

2、born v. (bear的过去分词)出生;出世 be(was/were) born出生于,常用于一般过去时态be born出生于 was born in london.

jordan was born in june.(on june 17th,1963;at half past six)

be born of出生于(家庭) was born of a poor/rich family.

3、record (1)cn.记录;(尤指运动中的)最高记录。

the record for···的记录 world record世界纪录

set the record创造···的记录。

set a world record in high jump.他创造了跳高世界记录。

keep/hold the record for 保持…的纪录。

beat/cut/break the record 打破…的纪录。

2)v.记录;记载 (p) recorded ,recorder n.录音机。

4、hiccup v.打嗝现在分词:hiccupping,过去式hiccupped

n.嗝 a hiccup 一个嗝。

5、sneeze n.喷嚏 a loud sneeze 一个响喷嚏。

v.打喷嚏 sneezes ,sneezing ,sneezed

二、短语目标: born出生,出世

sports stars国际体育明星。

record for hiccupping/sneezing打嗝/喷嚏的世界纪录 hiccupping开始打嗝,begin/start doing sth.=start/begin to do sth.开始做某事

hiccupping停止打嗝, stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事。


is a great chinese ping-pong player.她是一位优秀的中国乒乓球运动员。

was born in 1973.她出生于2024年。


(一)听写单词 (二)自学教学案【学习目标】



-shein 1973. 她出生于2024年。

2did charles smith查尔斯﹒史密斯打嗝多久了?--he hiccupped __695 __他打了六年零五个月的嗝。





1.--when your brother born?--he (be) born in 1991.

was a little tired,so he stoph**e) a rest.

3. li ming hopes to join thenation) football team.

playing football two years ago.


was born in beijing in 1988.(对划线部分提问)

andwas he born?

peng learned english for about three years.(同上)

wu peng english?

was born on august 8th,1997.(改为一般疑问句)

born on august 8th,1997?

was born on july 2nd,1975.(改为同义句)

beckham’son july 2nd,1975.

第二课时。学习内容】:3a of section a—1b of section b (p55-56)


n.高尔夫球(运动)play golf 打高尔夫球

golfer 高尔夫球手,a golfer一个高尔夫球手。

v. 打高尔夫球,go golfing去打打高尔夫球,n.巴西人adj.

巴西人的,巴西的; brazil n.巴西australia澳大利亚,australian澳大利亚(人)的;澳大利亚人。


america=the united states=the usa美国,american美国的;美国人的。

n. 金子;** adj.金的金黄色的的,金制的。

win a gold medal 赢得一块金牌, golden hair 金发。



be ;become,get,grow,turn,go(变)

look,sound,tast ,smell….(起来);feel; keep, stay

adj 有天赋的的;天才的,talent n.天才;天赋,a new diving talent一个新的跳水天才,sb be talented=sb h**e talent

adj.有创造力的;创造性的a creative musician一个有创造力的**create v. 创造 eg:

the god created the world. 上帝创造了世界。

adj.杰出的;出色的an outstanding actor一位杰出的演员。

8. unusual adj.不寻常的;罕有的an unusual thing一件不寻常的事(东西)→usual adj.

平常的as usual 像平常一样, a usual thing一件寻常的事。

9. grandson n.孙子;外孙 grandpa/grandfather爷爷;外公。



太…而不能…: too+adj./adv.

+(for sb.)to do sth. =not ….

enough to do sth. =so…that+ 含有情态动词的否定句eg:

he is too young to go to school.=he is not old enough to go to school.

he is so young that he can’t go to school. 他太小,不能上学。

to ride a bicycle学骑自行车,learn to do sth.学会做某事。

for his national team 为他的国家队踢球。

comedy called/named/with the name of +电影名字:一部叫做﹒﹒的喜剧片 kind and loving grandmother一位和蔼慈祥的奶奶。

all his free time with his grandson和他的孙子一起度过的所有的空闲时间, spend ……with sb.和某人一起度过。

sb. spend sm/st. on /(in)doing sth.

sb. pay sm. for sth.

sth. cost sb. sm

it. takes sb. sm/st. to do sth.

he was seventeen years old=at the age of seventeen.当他十七岁的时候。


are never too young to start doing things你多早开始做事都不为过。

example, tiger woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.泰格﹒伍兹在他只有十个月大的时候就开始打高尔夫。

went to her first movie when she was three years old!在她三岁时就参演了她的第一部电影!


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