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unit2 what’s the matter?

主备人:xxx 审稿人:八年级英语教师审批___sept.10,2011



3.学会就健康问题展开讨论,并用you should ……的句型提出解决方法。




第1课时。学习内容:section a 1a-grammar focus,(p7-8)


1、 matter n 事情问题差错a lot of matters许多事。

it doesn’t matter. (v.) 没关系。

what’s the matter/ trouble with you?

what’s wrong with you ?

你怎么了?what’s your trouble ?

what’s up with you?

is there anything wrong with you ?

is something wrong with you?

注意: what’s wrong with…? 某物出了什么故障?

---what’s wrong with your watch? -it doesn’t work.

你的表出了什么毛病? 坏了。

2. h**e a cold 患感冒 h**e a bad cold 患重感冒

---what’s wrong with you? -i h**e a bad cold .

---how are you feeling now ? i’m feeling much better.

3. stomachache 胃痛,腹痛,肚子痛 h**e a stomachache 胃痛= h**e a pain in the stomach =h**e a sore stomach

h**e a bad stomachache 胃痛得厉害。

4. sore adj 疼痛的,酸痛的 throat 喉咙烟喉

h**e a sore throat 烟喉痛

there’s something wrong with my throat.我烟喉有毛病。= i h**e a sore throat.

=i h**e a pain in the throat.

5. h**e a sore back = h**e a pain in the back 背痛

6 h**e a toothache 牙痛 see a dentist 看牙医。

7.fever adj 发烧,h**e a fever 发烧,h**e a high fever 高烧。

8. rest n /v休息 rest = h**e a rest 休息一会儿 take/h**e a good rest 好好休息。

rest n 剩余部分 the rest of the teachers 剩余的老师。

there are ten boys in the classroom .three of them are cleaning the classroom. the rest are cleaning the windows.


down 躺下,过去式→lay 现在分词:lying

10.honey un 蜂蜜,tea with honey加蜂蜜的茶,with 带有,具有。

arm一只胳膊, ear 一只耳朵, eye一只眼睛。

cn. (pl)feet, on foot 步行,注意:go to sp on foot=walk to sp步行去某地。

15. tooth (pl) teeth 注意:twelve teeth 十二颗牙齿。

a headache 头痛。

二、句型目标: -what’s the matter with you?

i h**e a sore throat. what should i do ?

you should drink some hot with honey. and you sholdn’t speak too much.

a good idea.=that sounds good.

三、学习过程:(一) 预习:step1 :听写新单词。 step2:完成句子:

1with you?(你怎么了?)

i __a我喉咙痛)






五)反馈练习: 【基础练习】

1. -how many fdoes a cat h**e? -four.

2. -what’s the m _ with you ?

---i h**e a sthroat.

综合提高】:section a练习册:一、

拓展延伸】:section a练习册:二、

第2课时。a:学习内容: section a 3a-sectionb 2c(p9-10)


1. ago以前, 一段时间 + ago, 要用一般过去时态,

eg: i saw him three days ago

thirsty adj 口渴的,feel/be thirsty (感觉)口渴,

2.so如此,这样 :i think so. →i don’t think so.我认为不是这样。

i am afraid so. →i am afraid not. 我恐怕不。

i hope so. →i hope not. 我希望不是这样。

i believe so. →i don’t believe so. /i believe not.我相信不是这样。

3. illness n 疾病,身体不适,an illness 一种疾病,ill adj 病的,be ill in bed 卧病在床。

(1)taking this medicine twice a day after meals is good for your illness.饭后一天吃两次这副药对你的疾病有益。

(2)--i’m feeling very ill. -you’d better see a doctor.

4. adivce un. 建议, give sb. some advice 给某人提些建议

give sb. some advice on 给某人提某一方面的建议。

1) he had a bad cold . could you give him some advice?


2)my dentist g**e me some advice on my teeth .我的牙医给了提了关于牙齿方面的建议。

v 加压力于 ,便紧张,注意:be/get stressed out 有压力的,紧张的,有压力。

1) she’s always stressed out ,so she can’t sleep well.


2) don't be stressed out and try to relax .不要有压力设法放松。

3) don’t get stressed out , it’ll make you sick.

n 问题 ,令人困惑的事情

h**e some problems( in ) doing something 做某事有困难。

h**e no problem ( in ) doing something 做某事没有困难。

he said he had no problem in working out the physics problem.他说他没有问题算那道物理题, no problem 没问题

---can you go to the movies with me mow?

---no problem.


1、i’m not feeling well. 我感到不舒服。2、two days ago 两天前。

3、i think so.我认为是这样。

4、i hope you feel better soon. 我希望你马上就好起来。


一、预习:step 1: 听写单词和重点词组。step 2:完成3a的对话。

二、利用3b的图画内容,在小组内操练section a重点句子及话题。

三、预习并听录音,完成section b的2a ,2b的听力练习。



1、he isher son’s seriousis very bad . ill)


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