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unit4 how do you get to school ?

主备人:xxx 审稿:八年级英语教师审批___sept.21st,2011


二 、过程与方法:组内或班内进行合作学习。三 、情感态度与价值观:


第一课时 学习内容】: sectiona 1a-gf(p19-20)


1、subway n.地铁,地下火车 take the∕ a subway to sp=go to sp by subway =go to sp on ∕in the subway乘坐地铁去某地。

与其相同搭配的交通工具还有train ,car ,bus ,taxi, plane, boat

注意:ride a∕ one’s bike to sp=go to sp on a ∕the∕ one’s bike

go to sp by bike骑自行车,walk to sp =go to sp on foot 步行去。

2、hundred 百, ※hundreds of+可复:数百的……,数词+hundred+可复:……百的……eg:

two hundred people come here.两百人来到这里。 hundreds of people take part in the sports meet.


3、minute n.分钟,(pl)minutes,wait a minute等一会儿。

in a minute 立刻,马上 at any minute马上,随时。

ten minutes’ walk步行十分钟。

4、take v.花费(时间) ※辨析:spend,cost,pay ,take

1)spend的主语必须是人。常用于 sb spend…on sth或spend…(in) doing sth某人花时间∕金钱做某事 eg:i spent 5 dollars on the book.

我买那本书花了5美元。 eg:he spent 30 minutes(in) doing his homework.


2)cost的主语只能是物。常用于sth. cost sb some money.

某物花费某人多少钱。 eg: the skirt cost her 200 yuan.

3)pay的主语必须是人。常用于sb pay (some money) for sth.某人为某物付……款。

eg: he paid 1000 yuan for the tv.他买电视花了1000元。

4)take用于it takes sb some time(money) to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间(多少金钱)。 eg:

it took him two days to make the big cake.

5、by 介词,表示交通、传递等的方式“由;靠;通过”后面接表示交通工具的单数名词。eg: by bike 骑自行车, by bus乘公共汽车,对“by+交通工具”提问用how.

二、短语目标:1、get to 到达,辨析:get to ,arrive与reach三者都有“到达”之意,get to +地点名词,get+地点副词(here,there,home),arrive + in+大地点名词,arrive at+小地方名词,arrive+副词,arrive可不接任何词,reach+地点。

2、take the subway=go to sp by subway= go to sp on the subway乘坐地铁 3、walk to school=get to school on foot步行到校。

4、how long多久,多长时间。

三、句型目标:1、how do you get to school?你怎样到达学校?


1)take +a∕ the+表示交通工具的名词,是动词短语,在句中作谓语。 (2)by+交通工具的单数名词或on + a∕ the+表示交通工具的单数名词,是介词短语,作方式状语,放句末。

eg: i walk to school.=i get to school on foot.我步行到校。

i ride my bike to school.=i get to school by bike∕ on my bike.

i take the bus to school.=i get to school by bus ∕on the bus.

2、how long does it take?那需要多长时间?

3、it takes about 25 minutes to walk…步行大约需要25分钟…




2it __那需要花多长时间?

about forty minutes.大约45分钟。

三)导入新课: (四)小组操练句型,并分组展示。

五)学生自学完成1a,2b。 (六)听录音,完成1b,2a,2c.

基础练习】 一、单项选择:

)1、i get to school___

a. by a bus b. take a train c. by my bike d. on foot

)2.--does he get to school?

---he usually gets to school by bike.

a. how b. what c. when d. why

) are __in our school.

a. two hundred teacher b. two hundred teachers

c. two hundreds teacher d. two hundreds teachers


1、i spend 30 minutes doing my homework.(同义句)

it __me 30 minutesmy homework.

2、he gets to school by bike.(对划线部分提问)

does heto school?

3、he rode his bike to his aunt’s house.(改为同义句)

he___to his aunt’s house

4、she likes going to school on foot.(改为同义句)

she likesschool.

第二课时。学习内容】: sectiona3a-sectionb2c(p21-22)


1.far adj.远的,遥远的(反义词near),how far 多远,对距离提问。

2、kilometer n.公里;千米,(pl)kilometers

3、shower v.& n.淋浴 take∕ h**e a shower

4、quick adj. 快的,quickly adv. 快地,eg:

h**e a quick breakfast =h**e breakfast quickly 匆匆地吃过早饭。

5、bicycle =bike n.自行车;两轮脚踏车,by bicycle 骑自行车

6、stop n.车站,bus stop=bus station公共汽车站

v.停止 stop to do sth停止去做某事 stop doing sth 停止正在做某事

二、 短语目标:

1、how far多远, for school 前往学校,le**e a for b 离开a地去b地 his bicycle to the bus station 骑自行车去公共汽车站 station=bus stop 公共汽车站 ride 公共汽车行程。


1、how far is it from his home to school?从他家到学校有多远?

how far“多远”,用来询问距离或路程的远近,常用句型:how far is it from a to b?或how far is b from a?从a地到b地有多远?

答语:it’s…meters∕ miles∕ kilometers.

2、总结:how often多久一次(询问做某事的频率);how long多久,多长时间,询问做某事持续的时间,提问for+时间段; how soon多久以后,多快,提问“in+时间段”的短语,常用于将来时。how far多远,询问距离或路程。

how many多少,询问可数名词的数量。how much 多少,用来询问不可数名词的数量,how old多大,几岁,用来询问人的年龄。 另外:

how about……怎么样,相当于what about,用来询问对方的意见。

3、then the early bus takes him to school.然后早班车带着他到学校。take…to…带…去…,to后常加表地点的词。

wants to know what she thinks of the transportation.托马斯想知道他认为交通方式怎么样。


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