
发布 2022-12-16 18:34:28 阅读 8025

(a)it’s red and round.

the earth goes round it like a baby.

it gives us light and warmth.

what is it?

(b)in summer you can’t see him.

in a warm house you can’t see him.

but children like him very much.

they often play with him.

happily in winter.

what is he?


1. 句型。

1)how many bottles of orange can you see?你能看见几瓶桔汁呢?

how many(有多少,指可数名词),how much(有多少,指不可数名词)等后面要用疑问句式表达。

如:how many bananas can you see?


how much milk do you h**e?


2)i can see only one.我只能看见一个。

only在此句中是副词,修饰动词see,不能看做是形容词修饰one, one只是一个代词。

如:only a student is from china.



如:he is the only american student in our class.


2. 不可数名词。

名词分为可数名词和不可数名词两种。物质名词和抽象名词是不可数名词。不可数名词一般不用a/ on或the来修饰。但强调时,可在前面加定冠词the,不可数名词没有复数形式。

如:food, meat, bread, tea, water, milk, ink, orange(桔汁), drink(饮料), rice, fish等。


a cup of tea 一杯茶。

a bottle of orange 一瓶桔汁。

a glass of milk 一杯牛奶。

a piece of bread 一块面包。


two caps of tea 两杯茶。

three bottles of drink 三瓶饮料。

另外也可以用some, any, much, a little, a lot of等修饰不可数名词。

例如:there is some water in the cup.在杯子里有些水。

can you give me some ink?你能给我些墨水吗?

i don’t want any milk.我不要牛奶。

3)would like “想要”表示请求或个人想法,看法等,语气婉转客气。

i’d like ==i would like

i’d like do sth.

n.如:i’d like to go there.我想要去哪儿。

i’d like some bananas.我想要些香蕉。

4)it’s time to do sth.

for + n.

for sb. to do sth.

如:it’s time to get up.该起床了。

it’s time for the meeting.开会时间到了。

it’s time for your to play games.现在该你做游戏了。


1. a. look b. classroom c. food d. good

2. a. many b. family c. thank d. that

3. a. please b. bread c. sweater d. he**y

4. a. young b. thank c. drink d. any

5. a. them b. withc. these d. thing


1. how are you? _

a. i’m elevenb. how do you do

c. i’m ok. thank you d. i’m in the room

2. it’s time __

a. to go to schoolb. go to school

c. going to schoold. to go school

3. this is __old book.

a. an b. a c. the d. /

4. i’d like __

a. three bottles of milk b. three bottles of milks

c. three bottle of milks d. three bottles milk

5. –what can you see on the desk?

a. i can you see some boxes b. i can see some boxes

c. i can see some boxesd. i can see some breads

-i’d like to h**e a look at these pencil-boxes.

a. what about you b. can i help you

c. do you like itd. what’s wrong

7. –would you like a bottle of milk?

a. no, i don’t b. i think so c. no, thanks d. yes, thank

8. i would like some __

a. meats b. waters c. cakes d. breads

9. i __think so.

a. isn’t b. an not c. not d. don’t

it’s seven o’clock. it’s time __class.

a. for b. to c. at d. in


can see some picture on the wall.

like two cups of waters.

many glass of orange can you see?

let me to put this desk in the classroom.

h**e some hills in the picture.

don’t want some tea.

would like any bread.

are two bottle of orange on the table.

would like something drink.

many book can you see?


it’s 16:30. the students in class 2 are in the classroom.

li lei and tom take off their coats and put them on the chair. they put their bags in their desks. it’s time to play games.

li lei says:“ excuse me, han meimei can you look after my coat and bag?” sorry!

i must go home.”

16:30. the students in class 2 aren’t in the classroom.

lei and tom put their coats on the chair.

wants to play games.

lei asks han meimei to look after his coat and bag.

meimei wants to go home.

参***。一、1—5 c a a d d

二、1—5 c a a a b 6—10 b c c d a

三、 put this desk—put this desk


四、1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.√


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