
发布 2020-03-11 14:37:28 阅读 8331

week 10

unit 5 good manners

一teaching contents:


二 teaching aims:



三important & difficult points:



四 students analysis:


五teaching procedures:


translate the following sentences.

1. 在那里,什么是符合习俗的问候方式?

2. 英国人在家也很有礼貌。

3. 我肯定这些对我们很有益处。

4. 他们会足够有耐心地等你挪开。

s:what’s the proper way to greet people there?

s:british people are very polite at home as well.

s:i’m sure these are helpful to us.

s:they will be polite enough to wait till you move.

t: answer the following questions.

does eddie say to hobo before he mentions the good manners?

british people do if you’re in their way?

s:you’re old enough to learn about manners.

s:if you’re in their way, british people will be polite enough to wait till you move.

t:can you find the similarity between the two sentences? what is it?

you’re old enough to learn about manners.

if you’re in their way, british people will be polite enough to wait till you move.

s:to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive

t:we can use the verb to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive to describe a person’s personality and abilities.

you are old enough to learn about manners.

if you are in their way, british people will be polite enough to wait till you move.

suzy wants to tell her parents what she thinks about her friends. help her make sentences using “to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive”.

sis kind enough to help his friends any time.

is patient enough to listen carefully when others speak.

is careful enough to notice small changes around her.

is generous enough to share her things with others.

is polite enough to queue in public.

is funny enough to make everyone laugh after class.

t:we can use the verb to be + too + adjective + to-infinitive to express a negative result.

british people are very polite. they do not shout loudly in public.

british people are too polite to shout loudly in public.

british people are very polite. they will not push past you.

british people are too polite to push past you.

sometimes we need to add for someone before the to-infinitive.

the uk is very far away. jenny cannot go there on her own.

the uk is too far away for jenny to go there on her own.

the radio show is over. millie wants to write about that day in her diary. help her rewrite the sentences with “to be + too + adjective + to-infinitive”.

s:suzy was very shy. she did not join the discussion.

suzy was too shy to join the discussion.

s:simon was very excited. he did not express himself clearly.

simon was too excited to express himself clearly.

s: peter was slow. he could not write down all the main points.

peter was too slow to write down all the main points.

s:amy was careless. she did not take her hat with her when she left.

amy was too careless to take her hat with her when she left.

s:kitty was very busy with her dancing lessons. she did not listen to the radio.

kitty was too busy with her dancing lessons to listen to the radio.

t: work out the rules

1. sb. +adj.+ enough to do sth.


2. sb. +be too +adj. +to do sth.


be too +adjto do.

1. she did not join the discussion.

discussion n. 讨论。

in theirdiscussion, i was in

f**or of mr. li.


2. he did not express himself clearly.

express v. 表达。

the writerexpresseshis love for his motherland in his novels.


3. jenny cannot go there on her own.

on one’s own 某人自己;独立地。

i was able to finish the job on my own.


after graduation, he lives on his own.


4. kitty was very busy with her dancing lessons.

be busy with 忙于做某事。

they pretended tobe busy

withpreparation for the exam.


t: exercise

. 翻译下列句子。

1. 他够上学年龄了。

2. 她真慷慨,为我们买了这多礼物。

3. 这个盒子太重,小男孩搬不动。

4. 昨天他太兴奋了,都不能清楚表达自己了。

5. 这男孩年龄太小,不能照顾自己。

6. 他们太慢了,赶不上这辆公交车了。

8b unit5 good manners 知识点归纳。

comic and welcome


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