
发布 2020-03-11 14:38:28 阅读 3417

week 8

revision for mid-term






1. i am __surprise) at the news. what about you?

2. when i passed the driving test, i thought i was the___luck) person in the world.

little boy is __kind) to his classmates, so nobody likes him.

4. what do you think about the airpollute) in your hometown?

5. danny and daniel are brothers, and their___wife) are sisters. that’s interesting.


1. the old woman is crying___悲伤). what happened to her?

2. i’ve___刚刚) known it. sorry to hear that.

3. kitty got___结婚) last year. her husband is a computer programmer.

4. the plane __降落) at six this morning. everything was ok.

5. how many __街区) are there in your hometown?


1. -what’s on tv?

chairman hu jintao is h**ing an i___with president george bush.

2. -my teeth hurt again, mum.

go to see a d___this time, ok?

3. -do you know hu ronghua?

of course. he’s good at playing chinese c___

4. taiwan i___is the biggest one in china. do you know?

5. -do you think what cthe accident?

the bad weather.


1.—where is mr green now ? i h**en’t seen him for a few days .

he __to hong kong .

a. goes b. will go c. is going d. has gone




3.- is your father in?

no, he __for three hours.

a. was out b. has been out c. went out d. has gone out

4.-excuse me, does mr smith’s son live here?

hebe here, but he has moved.

a. has to b. used to c. tried to d. happened to

5.-h**e you written anything on chinese traditional food so far?

but i h**e a plan for it.

a. ever since b. later on c. not yet d. from now on

6. -why not go to see the dolphin show with me?

because i __it.

a. saw b. will see c. see d. h**e seen

7. timmy goes to schoolevery day . it’s 5 minutes’ walk from his home to school .

a. in a bus b. by mtr c. on foot d. by tram

8he___at this school last term?

yes, i think so.

a. did, study b. has, studied c. was, study d. did, studied

9.__lei feng is no longer living, his spirit lives on today.

a. if b. when c. although d. because

old man lives __in a __house, but he doesn’t feel___

a. alone, alone, lonely b. lonely, lonely, alone c.

alone, lonely, lonely d. alone, lonely, alone



1. i saw the film 2046 just now.(用just做状语)

i __just___the film 2046.

2. i’ve read this book.(改为一般疑问句)

read this book?

3. she’s already done her homework.(改为否定句)

sheher homework __

4. i’ve known him since he came him.(对划线部分提问)

you known him?

5. has danny come?(作否定回答)



1. actually he didn’t know it at all.

he didn’t know it at all.

2. mary married simon in 1999.

mary and simonin 1999.

3. i miss my old friend sometimes.

i miss my old friend

4. i h**e over one thousand books at home.

i h**eone thousand books at home.

5. i bought the bike ten years ago.

ithe bike __ten years ago.


1. 这部电影有助于帮你了解中国的过去和现在。

this film helps youchina’s __and

2. 这幢教学大楼已经投入使用5年了。

this teaching building hasfor five years.

3. 深圳已经变成了一个现代化城市。

shenzhen hasa modern city.

4. 实际上,她是个初中生。

she is aschool student.

5. 飞机已经起飞了。

the plane has



( )1. although it was raining, but the game went on.__

a b cd

)2. he’s borrowed the book since two weeks ago, hasn’t he?__

ab cd )3. there are much more roads, buildings and people in this area.__

a bc d

)4. do you know when tom married to her?__

a b c d

)5. he says he has just now finished doing his homework

abc d


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