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仁爱英语八年级下册期末总复习 (2012.6)


系动词包括:be,感官动词(look, smell, taste, sound, feel),seem, turn, get, become, go等,后直接加形容词。

练习1、( 1. this kind of cake tastes __and sells___

a. good, good b. well, well

c. good, well d. well, good

english exercises look __

a. easily b. easy c. easier d. easiest

chair is socomfort).


let 让某人做某事。

make 令/ 使某人做某事。

make sb./ sth. +adj. 令/ 使某人怎么样。

make sb.+n令/ 使某人成为…

练习2、 mothernot let) her sonrush) to the park.

story makes him哭了).

final exam使我紧张)。


三、动词不定式(to do/ not to do)


is+(not) 形容词+(for sb.) to do sth.


eg: it is (not) easy for him to finish the job.

hope, like, begin, try, need, forget, learn, plan, decide + to do sth.

3. help (to) do sth.

4. ask, tell, want, invite, wish, allow, teach, warn sb. (not) to do sth.

5疑问词(what,when…)+to do sth.


sb. (not) do sth.


/ watch/ notice/ feel/ hear + sb. do sth.

注意区分see sb. do和see sb. doing等)

练习. the teacher asked us __so much noise. a. don’t make b. not make

c. not ****** d. not to make

2. we are not allowedoutdoors with some other children.

a. playing b. to be playing

c. to play d. be playing

3. the problem is difficult for us

a. work out b. to be worked out

c. to work out d. to work it out

go to bed early

a. keep healthy b. keeping healthy

c. to keep healthy d. keeps healthy


形容词和副词都有原级、比较级、最高级,注意结构:系动词+adj. +n.

行为v. +adv.

1. 原级:(1).as+原级+ as “和……一样”

you are as tall as me.

she lives as happily as before.

2).not as/so+原级+ as “不如…”(降级比较)

you aren't as tall as me.

she doesn’t live as happily as john.


1) 比较级+than

2) less+ 原级+ than “不如”

3) 比较级+and+比较级越来越…

4) the+比较级,the+比较级越…越…

3. 最高级:三者或三者以上的比较

the+ 最高级+ in/of (范围) (副词可省the)


he is the tallest boy in our class.

he is taller than any other boy in our class.

4. half/ twice/ three times+ as+ 原级+ as

表示倍数 much/ a little/ even+ 比较级表示程度

注意:early可作形容词或副词,把y改为i +er/ est

练习4、 stone is和…一样巨大)that one.

walks to the parkslow) than she does.

sangcareful) in her class.

city is muchbeautiful) than before.


you studyyou will pass the exam.

6. lily is as __as me. a. tall c. tallest taller

7. who runs __jim, tom or sam? fast fastest



2、时间状语从句when(当…的时候,动作先后发生,接一个do一个doing)、while(当…的时候,动作同时发生,接两个doing) 、before(在…之前)、after(在…之后)、as soon as(一…就…)、not)until(直到)

3、条件状语从句:if, unless (=if not) if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go hiking.


1)目的状语从句:so that+从句(=in order to do sth.)。目的是、以便、为了”

2)结果状语从句: so that+从句 “因此”

so+adj./adv.+that+从句 “太……以致such+(a/an)+ adj.+ n.+that+从句。

练习. i don’t want to talk to you, _i am too tired.

that that

2. _the telephone rang, i was watching tv.

soon as

3. mike is dancing __lily is singing.

soon as

4. if he __the t-shirt, he __more handsome.

on; looks put on; looks on; will look put on; will look

5. it is __beautiful flower that we want to buy them.

a a六、宾语从句(直接引语变间接引语)

1、引导词:陈述用that,一般疑问用if/ whether (or not),特殊疑问用特殊疑问词。




练习. i want to know if he __tomorrow. if he __i will tell you.

will come come; will come

come; comes comes

2. can you tell me


课程目标 熟练各章知识要点并能灵活运用,查漏补缺。课程重点 一元一次不等式组及分式的综合运用。教学过程 不等式。例 1.若不等式 3 x 6 2 的解集是x 2,则 必须满足的条件是 2.求最大自然数n,使得式子对唯一的一个整数k成立。3.已知实数x y z满足 1 x2 yz 8x 7 0,2 y...


2015 2016八年级下期末总复习检测卷a 福永中学。班级姓名考号。一 选择题 每题3分,共36分 1.下列环保标志图形中,既是中心对称图形又是轴对称图形的是 a b c d 2.若a b,则下列各式中不成立的是 a a 2 b 2 b 3a 3b c 2 a 2 b d 3a 3b 3.下列分解...


新华中学2009 2010八年级下期末总复习检测卷。制卷人 贺友兰。一 选择题 本题共有10小题,每小题3分,共30分 1 下列各式从左到右的变形中,是因式分解的为 ab cd 2 若 则下列不等式中正确的是 a 0 b c 8 8 d 4a 4b 3 不等式 的正整数解有。a 1个 b 2个 c ...