
发布 2022-12-12 15:42:28 阅读 6218


unit3 what are you doing for vacation?

section b

1. think about: 接名词、代词、动名词或由疑问词引导的不定时或宾语从句,表示“考虑……;回想,想起”,着重指想的过程。

think of: “考虑到,想到,认为”,后接代词、名词或动名词,着重指一时的情况。

think over: “仔细考虑”,后接名词或代词作宾语,代词应放在think和over中间之间。

注:think about 和think of 在表示“想到过去的某事”或“考虑到某事”时可互换。

2. what’s … like? 和 how’s …?

意为“…怎么样”用于打听天气时,二者可通用,常指天气一时的情况。what’s …like?用于询问人时,通常提某人的一半特征或性格等;而how’s …?


eg:1> what’s the weather like there today?=how is the weather there today?那儿今天的天气如何?

2> what is your sister like? =what does your sister look like? 你妹妹长的怎么样?

3> how is your sister? 你妹妹好吗?


1the weather in sydney?

it’s fine.

a. what’s b. how c. what d. how’s

2. —what does his english teacher

he is tall, and thin.

a. like b. likes c. look like d. is like

3. —what __your father

he is tall, quiet and kind.

a. does, like b. is, like c. is, look like d. does, look

4. —could i h**e __orange juice?

—sure, here you are.

a. some b. any c. a few d. little

5. —could i use your computer when youuse it?

of course.

a. don’t b. didn’t c. not d. aren’t

6. thisis too difficult for me to work out.

a. question b. problem c. thing d. job

7. who canthe difficult question?

a. answer b. ask c. work out d. solve

8your brother swim when he was four years old ?

a. can b. could c. do d. does

9. the poor old man dieda cool night.

a. in b. at c. on d. for

10. we usually h**e __classes on sundays.

a. not b. not any c. no any d. no

11. summer vacation is coming. kate isa good plan.

a. doing b. ****** c. getting d. taking

12. —why don’t you go to the zoo with your friends?

i hear there’sin it.

a. something new b. anything new c. new nothing d. nothing new

13. —did you see today’s news*****?

yes. there is

a. nothing new b. new nothing c. anything new d. new anything

14. —would you like __a look at my photos?

of course. i wantabout you more.

a. to h**e , learn b. h**e , to learn c. to h**e , to learn d. h**e , learn

15. —wow, the snow is so thick!

—yeah, i can’t wait __the snow.

a. play with b. to play c. playing with d. to play with

16. would you like to h**ebananas?

a. few b. any c. some d. much

17. “who are you going sightseeingmy parents.”

a. with b. at c. for d. to

18. why don’t wein the park after lunch?

a. take a walking b. take walks c. h**e walk d. h**e a walking

19. he says he can mend the watchten minutes.

a. in b. after c. for d. about

20. next week we are goinga tripbeijing.

a. to , to b. on , to c. for , for d. to , for

21. listen! can you hear somebody

a. cry b. crying c. to crying d. cries

22. i often hear the girl next door __

a. sing b. singing c. to sing d. sings

23. he’s decided onlunch at home today.

a. h**e b. to h**e c. had d. h**ing

24. there isin today’s news*****, is there?

a. nothing new b. new nothing c. something new d. anything new

25. don’t forgetthe light before you go out.

a. closed b. to close c. closeing d. close

26. mr. black isvacation this week.

a. in b. for c. at d. on

27. he has no pen

a. to write b. writing c. to write with d. writing in

28. he always keeps the windowevery night.

a. opening b. to open c. opened d. open

29. she’ll not le**e for shanghai until the raintomorrow.

a. stopped b. will stop c. stops d. stop

30. i am thinkingthe old days in the country。


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