
发布 2022-12-18 15:59:28 阅读 3919

uint 3 i am more outgoing than my sister

sa:adv .喧闹。

loud adj.大声的。

adv. 大声地;响亮地= loudly

aloud adv.为使人听见而发声,声音不一定很大。

when i entered the room ,everyone was laughing loudly. 当我进房间时,每个人都笑了。

the tv is too loud ,turn the volume down.电视的声音太大了,把它关小点 。

he should not speak so loud. 他不应该这么吵闹。

please read aloud so that i can hear you.请大点儿声读,那样我才能听见。

+adj./adv[原级] as 和…一样…

this room is as big as that one. 这间房子和那间一样大。

tom runs as fast as his brother . 汤姆和他弟弟跑的一样快。

not as …as …=not so…as… 没有… 那样….

my book is not as/so new as hers. 我的书没有她的新。

competition 歌咏比赛。

changing room更衣室。

walking stick拐杖。

swimming pool游泳池。

shopping basket购物篮。

reading room阅览室。

dressing table梳妆台。

won won 赢,获胜。

win game/war/match/prize/sth. 赢某事。

beat beat beaten 打败,赢 beat sb. 打败某人。

they won the game yesterday. 他们昨天赢了那场游戏。

the la lakers beat the rockets.湖人队打败了火箭队。

we beat them and won the game. 我们打败了他们赢得了比赛。

adv. 不过,可是(句末)

conj.虽然;尽管 =although

adv.: it is hard work . i enjoy it though.这是一项艰巨的工作,可是我很喜欢。

it was quite true though.不过它确实是真的。


though /although i failed ,i shall try again.虽然我失败了,我愿意再试一次。

though /although she is ill,

yet she still keeps studying. 尽管她生病了,她还保持学习。

most important thing 最重要的事。

the most important thing is to learn

something new and h**e fun. 最重要的事就是学习一些新鲜的有趣的东西。

sb:n. =gift 天资,天赋,才能。

h**e a talent for =h**e a gift for … 有…天赋。

the woman has a talent/gift for cooking. 这位女士有烹饪的天赋。

talented adj

be talented in+n./v-ing 在…方面有天赋。

mozart was talented in music. 莫扎特在**方面有天赋。

8. true adj. 真的。

truly adv. 真实地。

truth n. 真理,事实。

he truly loves his children. 他真地爱他的孩子。

it is a truly memorable occasion. 这真是一个值得纪念的时刻。

it is a true story. 这是一个真实的故事。

please tell me the truth. 请告诉我事实真像。

9. care about 关心;在意。

care for 喜欢;愿意。

take care 小心;当心。

take care of 照顾;照料(=look after)

do you care about your future? 你关心你的未来吗?

would you care for a cup of coffee? 你愿意来一杯咖啡吗?

take care not to make mistake. 小心,别出错了。

he is old enough to take care of himself. 他足够大可以照顾自己了。

10. make sb do sth 使某人做某事。

let sb do sth让某人做某事。

h**e sb do sth让/使某人做某事。

her joke make us laugh. 她的笑话使我们都笑了。

let me h**e a try. 让我来试试。

he had me give him a help. 过去他让我帮助他。

make 宾语adj.(宾补) 使。

the bad news made me sad. 这个坏消息使我很难过。

=the bad news made me feel sad.

make money 挣钱。

make friends with sb 和某人交朋友。

make a mistake犯错误。

make the bed铺床。

make faces扮鬼脸。

make a fire生火。

make a plan做计划。

make a team被选上。

v. 笑。he who laughs last laughs longset. 谁笑到最后谁笑的最灿烂。

laugh at 嘲笑。

don't laugh at others.不要嘲笑别人。

the same as +n./pron./名词性物主代词与…相同。

be different from与…不同。

my hairstyle is the same as hers. 我的发型与她的相同。

my hobbies are different from lucy's. 我的爱好和露西的不同。

be adj.(easy/hard/different/important…)for sb to do sth.


it be adj.(good/kind/nice/clever/honest/warm-hearted…)of sb to do sth.


it is dangerous for children to swim in the river.

对孩子们来说在河里游泳是很危险的 。

it is kind of you to say so . 你这样说真是好心肠。

long as 只要。

we will go as long as the weather is good.只要天气好我们会走的。

as long as像…一样达…之久只要,引导条件状语从句。

my arms are as long as yours. 我的手臂和你的一样长。

you can keep the book as long as you like.这本书只要你喜欢想看多久都行。

as long as you tell me the truth, i will try to help you.


out 使表现出;说出;取出(某物)

please bring out your book.请取出你的书。

you are never going to bring out that.你永远不会说出那件事。

16. get better grades 取得更好的成绩。

get better grades→反get bad/terrible grades

my good habit helps me get good grades. 我的好习惯使我取得了好成绩。

grade 年级。

i am in g rade 8,and i will be in grade 9 next year.


for 伸手去拿。

he reached over for the last cake.他伸过手去拿最后一块蛋糕。

reach +地点。

i reached beijing last night. 我昨晚到达北京。

get to +地点。

i got to beijing last night. 我昨晚到达北京。

arrive in +大地点


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