
发布 2022-12-20 17:59:28 阅读 8054

unit3 i’m more outgoing than my sister.


一、 典型单词。

1、 关于形容词和副词的运用:

a:区别与联系:形—名前;副—动后;(good / well, hard / hardly) /形+ly=副(truly, terribly, possibly)

b: 比较等级的判断:原级,比较级,最高级。

c: 区分规则、不规则,(如为规则)区分单音节、多音节(early, friendly为单音节)

d: 比较级的相关问题:

a. 用than 来连接比较对象。 b. 用much, a lot, a little来对比较程度说明。

c. 比较对象的一致问题:要有可比性; 习惯用宾格,如用主格需加相应的be或do.

d. 比较级与not so / as … as …句型之间的转换。

e. 正确运用as…as…句型; more… than …/less… than…句型。

e: 掌握句型

a. 越来越…. 单)比较级+ and+ 比较级 //多)more and more + 形容词、副词

b. 越…,就越… -the + 比较级…,the + 比较级….

c. 出现of the two …结构,比较级前加the .

2、 both与all: both指两者都,all指全部都,在句中用在be/助动词之后,动词之前。

3、 a few与few; a little 与little 的运用:

a a few 与few修饰可数,a little 与little 修饰不可数 b a few 与a little 表肯定,表示“一些,一点=some ” b few与little表否定,表示“几乎没有”

4、 hard-working = hard (形):勤奋的,努力的;work hard (动) 勤奋工作,努力学习。

5、 different的相关内容:

a different(形) /the same --the same as… /be different from…,b differences(名) -differences between … and ….

6、 构词法: loud – loudly; quiet –quietly; clear – clearly; true – truly; care – careful; say – saying; talent – talented;listen – listening – listener.

7、 几组反义词: loud – quiet //loudly – quietly; quiet / shy – outgoing; funny – serious;

二、 重点短语:

1、be talented in 在某方面有天赋、才能; 2、be good at … do well in … 擅长…/在某方面做得好;

3、care for = care about 关心、关爱、关注; 4、be like 像…; look like.. 看起像。;would like 想要…;5、as long as 只要,既然; 6、bring out the best(worst) in sb是某人把最好(最差)的一面表现出。

来; 7、区分“三个到达”:get to = arrive in(大) /at(小)= reach (注意home, here, there前都不用介词哦!);8、in fact 其实,实际上; 9、be similar to …与…相似、相近; 10、 be good with善待… 对…好。

三、 典型句子:

1、tina is taller than tara, and she also sings more loudly than tara.

2、lisa sang better than nelly, but nelly danced better than lisa.

3、larry is much(a lot / a little / even)less hard-working than[, i am).

4、my brother is as serious as my sister.

huang lei is not so(as) good at tennis as larry.= larry is better at tennis than huang lei.

5、jeff is less serious than most kids. =most kids are more serous than jeff.

6、i always get better grads than he him).

7、which one is lisa? -the one shorter hair (is lisa).

8、who is smarter, your mother your father?

9、i think a good friend makes me laugh(happy). make sb + 动原/ 形

10、that’s why i like reading and i study harder in class.

11、i am shy so [,s not easy me friends.

12、maybe i should help him more. -should 应该(助动词,后接动词原形)

13、i’m getting better at tennis. -进行时与比较级连用表渐进动作。

四、 交际功能: section b 2e(初步了解反义疑问句)

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