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unit 3 i’m more out-going than my sister.

period 5 (section b 3a-self check)


1. 复习前面学过的含有比较级的句子并口、笔头掌握下列句型:

a friend who is similar to me. a friend who is different from me.

call the english study center at 443-5667 for more information.

who do you think should the job, jenny or jill?

2. 熟练掌握以下词汇:wanted, information

3. 掌握并能正确使用本课时的重点短语:be similar to, english study center, be different from, primary school, be good with, be like



学习过程:i. 自己独立完成3a, 3b. 并相互检查答案。

ii. 从班里选出两位志愿者,结合课本24页4 中的内容,对比一下这两位同学,看哪位同学更适合这份工作。

a: so who do you think should the job, jenny or jill?

b: well, i think ..should get the job because...

a: but i think...


1. 这是一则wanted”的意思是student helper wanted 意为广告中提出了要求并提供了联系**,注意这些关键信息。

2. information为可数 / 不可数)名词,可用修饰。

can you tell me someinformation) about mr zhang.

3. a friend who is similar to me. 和我相似的朋友。

who is similar to me 为定语从句,修饰friends. 请练一练。

他就是我要找的人。he is the man who i want to look for.

the girl who is standing under the tree is my sister. 你来译。


1. 假设你是李梅,露丝(rose)是两年前就读你学校的交换生,昨天你收到了她的电子邮件,请根据下面的提示内容,给她回一封信。提示:

1) 比以前高了,更健康了;2) 看电视、玩电脑游戏的时间少了,学校的时间多了;3) 性格变得外向了,交了更多的朋友。范文:

dear rose:

long time no see! i also miss you very much. i’m taller than before.

now i eat less junk food and take more exercise, so i’m much healthier. now i spend less time watching tv and playing computer games. i spend much more time studying, and i get more good grades in my exams i’m not so quiet as i was in the past.

now i’m more outgoing, and i h**e more friends.

come to visit me if you are free.


han mei

2. my deskmate

wang yong is my deskmate. he is shorter and thinner than me, but he is more outgoing than me. wang yong is good at sports and he often beats me at table tennis.

also, wang yong is helpful. on weekends he often goes to the hospital to help sick people. he sings and tells stories to them.

all the doctors, nurses and sick people like him. they all say wang yong is a good and kind boy.

my deskmate is really great.

iii. writing 英语作文:根据下面的提示,请把你和你的一个好朋友进行比较,谈论一下你们之间的外表、性格、兴趣、爱好以及特长。

eg: my best friend is li lei. he is older than me, but i’m a little taller than him.

he is he**ier than me…. he and i are good at chinese, but he is better at english, …we get on well with each other. we are best friend.

iv. 模仿秀: 3c write two paragraphs describing your friends.

知识巩固:i. 写出下列单词的副词形式,想一想下列形容词与其副词的比较级变化形式一样吗?



ii. 写出下列单词的比较级:




iii. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1. our school is larger thanthey)

2. i h**emany) pens than you .

3. in spring, the days are gettingandlong)

4. this bridge islong ) than that one.

5. living in the world is becominganddifficult).

iv. 单项选择。

1. the bread is __than these cakes

a. very delicious b. much delicious c. more delicious d. as delicious

2. when they met in the hotel. they talked and laughed __

a. happily b. happy c. happier d. happiest

3. in our city it’s __in july, but it is even __in august

a. hotter; hottest b. hot; hot c. hotter; hot d. hot; hotter

4. an elephant is __than a lion.

a. he**y b. very he**y c. the he**iest d. he**ier

5. a horse is __than a dog.

a. much he**y b. more he**ier c. much he**ier d. more he**y

6. which subject is __physics or chemistry?


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八年级英语上unit 3 i m more outgoing than my sister导学案。period 1 section a 1a 1c p17 执笔 邓金萍审核 班级小组姓名时间 2013年9月 日。学习目标。1 能读写本课的单词。2 学习形容词的比较级。3 能理解下列句型 that s...