
发布 2022-12-10 21:16:28 阅读 5161






1、 为什么教?(教学目标)(teaching aims)

2、 教什么? (教学内容)(teaching contents)

3、 怎么教? (教学方法)(teaching methods)

教学过程(teaching procedure)(40分钟)

第一段:教学导入(lead in):(大约5分钟)


2、导入新知(new knowledge):(**、提问、讨论 )

3、出示学习目标(teaching aims):(学习目标)(标题)

第二段:学习新知(new knowledge):(大约25分钟)

1、学生预习成果展示(achievement show)(5-6分钟):(听、回答、跟读、练、提问、背诵、互问互答、边对话、表演)


3、课堂练习、小组讨论(practice and discussion)(7-8分钟):(互背;编对话;互动;游戏、小组讨论、汇报 、测试)



2、学生收获体验(harvest and experience):(表演对话、提问、运用、老师点评)


4、教学反思(teaching reflection)


新目标八年级下unit41will people h**e robots?

section a . page 1 (1a--4) 张雅梅。

备课要求:1、 为什么教?(教学目标)(teaching aims):

1、master the pattern drills; (句型)

2、students can use the pattern drills to communicate;(交际)

3、cultivate the ability of cooperation. (培养合作能力)

2、教什么? (教学内容)(teaching contents):

1、重点单词(key words):

2、重点词组(main phrases):

live to be. on people. less a year.

five year ago.

3、重点句型(main pattern drills):

there will be more pollution. will there will be .

what do you think sally will be in five years. i think---

2、 怎么教? (教学方法)(teaching methods):

three threes teaching methods(三三式英语教学法):

教学过程(teaching procedure)(40分钟)

第一段:教学导入(leading in):(大约5分钟)



1、new words(单词):

2、phrases(短语): they’ll. in five years. live to be. there will be .less people

2、导入新知(new knowledge):(提问、背景知识介绍、** )

ask students some questions to lead in the new lesson(通过提问导入新课)

teacher:h**e you seen a robot?

student:yes, we are.

teacher:do you want to h**e a robot in your home?

student a:yes.

teacher: do you think people will h**e robots in the future?

student b:yes.

teacher: ok, if you want to know more about the robot, let’s learn the text.

3、出示学习目标(teaching aims):(学习目标)(标题)

1、new words:

2、pattern drills: there will be more pollution. will there will be .

hat do you think sally will be in five years. i think---

第二段:学习新知(new knowledge):(大约25分钟)

1、学生预习成果展示(achievement show)(5-6分钟):(听、回答、跟读、练、提问、背诵、互问互答、编对话、表演)

listen and answer the questions(听回答问题):p2-4

1、will there be fewer people?

2、will there be more pollution?

3、people will h**e robots in their homes in the future?

listen and repeat(听、跟读)1c. 2a

listen and recite (听、背诵)1c.2a

recite to each other (互背)

make a dialogue (编对话)according to 1c

act the dialogue ( 表演对话)


wll there be---

sb will h**e---

tere will be---

little-less pollution.


3、课堂练习、小组讨论(practice and discussion)(7-8分钟):(互背;编对话;互动;游戏、小组讨论、汇报 、测试)

make a dialogue (编对话)

discuss the question(讨论、汇报)will people h**e robots in their homes?

test in class(测试)


1. 在将来

2. 活到……岁

3. 一百年后

4. 空闲时间


1. thereis)a he**y rain soon.

2. there will be muchlittle) pollution.

3. there will be muchfew) people.

4. he has anplease) holiday.

5. he is a famousscience)

6. he is alone, but he isn’talone).

7. there will be morepollute).



ask students to summarize the main points:(让学生总结所学内容)

1. fewer people

2. less free time

3. in ten years

4. fall in love with

5. live alone

6. keep/feed a pet pigfly to the moon

7. hundreds of +复数数百/几百(概数,类似还有thousands of; millions of)

1. what do you think life will be like in 1000 years?

2. there will be fewer trees、more buildings and less pollution in the future.

fewer; less表示否定之意,分别修饰可数名词和不可数名词;more二者都可以修饰。


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