年三年级英语下册unit8 2 教案苏教牛津版

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teaching contents :a3-4 : what about ?

b饮料类及食品类单词:a carton of milk ,soft drinks ,a bar of chocolate .to understand :

a bar of ,a carton of , ss can understand and say the communion parlance : what about…?

teaching steps:

a song :“hot cross buns .”

listen and do .kitty : i’m tall /fat /…hungry .

引出并教学“i’m thirsty.”(边说边作口渴状)questions :

a. if you’re hungry ,what would you like ?ss发散思维,说出想要吃的东西。(learn :a bar of chocolate)

you are thirsty ,what would you like ?教学a carton of milk ,soft 2 presentation .

t&ss practice t: what would you like ?s:

i’d like a cup of tea .t: here you are .

what about some milk?s:yes ,please .

learn to say : what about ?以例句操练。

listen to the tape and imitate .read the dialogue .act .

step 3 task .任务:点菜。


listening and speaking .语言知识:事物名称和交际用语what would you like ?

what about…? i’d like…活动形式:八至十人一组。


各小组模拟情景点菜。抽查上台表演,并适**价。step 4 goodbye .


teaching contents :c look and say .d look ,read and write .

teaching aims :the ss can understand what they h**e learnt .the ss can read and write“oo, pp, qq.

”teaching steps :

step1 warm up greetings .listen and do .

sing a song“hot cross buns .”smell and guess .通过嗅觉来判断食物名称。step 2 review .1.快看快说。


2.“喊话”活动规则:老师手拿一摞**,走到学生中间,学生和老师一起问:whatwould you like ?

i’d like…有一名学生回答:并从教师手中得到一张**。巡回问答,直到分完手中**。

step 3 presentation listen to the tape ( a learn to say )try to act .look at the pictures .(c look and say )discuss :

what are they saying? pair work .check

step 4 look ,read and write .复习字母:aa至nn.


跟读,书空。读单词:book ,pie ,quilt .

step 5 work :copy the letters : oo ,pp, qq .


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