年三年级英语下册unit2 3 教案苏教牛津版

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teaching contents :

c部分look and say : is this /that……?yes ,it is /no ,it isn’t .

it’s……how nice/pretty !can i h**e a look ?sure .

d部分look ,read and write .teaching aims :

能正确地听、说、读、写单词a key, a clock, a radio.能较熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语:is this /that……?

yes ,it is /no ,it isn’t .it’s……how nice /pretty ! what a nice……can i h**e a look ?

sure, here you are .等。学说歌谣it’s his key。

teaching steps :

step 1 free talk and motivation .

sing a song :《hi ,nancy》greetings .who’s on duty?

(学生自我介绍)free talk .教师引导学生用“what’s this /that? what’s this /that in english ?

what this /that on /in the desk /book……等句式进行对话练习。大量运用学习用品和简笔画的**。复习单词单元)


b.教师小声说单词,学生大声说。c. draw and guess.

step 2 look and say group work .

以小组为单位模仿look and say中的场景进行交际问答。


学生表演(注意用上以前学的礼貌用语)step 3创设真实情景让学生上台对话练习。step 4 presentation.

say a rhyme“it's his key .”

放录音,让学生看图听歌谣,说说歌谣大意,跟读1遍。学习单词a key, a clock, a radio.复习单词a bag, a tape, a book

指名读听写。领读单词a key, a clock, a radio.指导范写单词a key, a clock, a radio学生书写。

学生书写:(let’s copy the letters)教师巡视指导。step 5 home work .

read and write the words“a bag, a tape, a book, a key, a clock, a radio.”听读unit 2 , a b部分和歌谣。step 6 sing a song《goodbye》

板书设计:unit 2 yes or no附送:


teaching contents :1.e fun house :(1) listen and judge(2) think and guess .

3)say a rhyme“it’s his key .”book unit 2teaching aims :

能熟练地掌握本单元所学的单词及短语。能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的礼貌用语和交际用语。能背诵歌谣it’s his key .teaching steps :

step 1 free talk and motivation .greetings .

play games: a .**快速闪动:what can you see ?


c.“心灵感应”free talk (实物、**、字母卡)

a.出示实物(钟、手表、钥匙、收音机)操练句型:what’s this im english ?

it’s……isthis /that……?yes ,it is /no ,it isn’t .it’s……what's this /that on /in the desk……?

t&s s&s

b.利用**和字母卡操练以上句型。c.创设真实情境,小组内对话,指名表演。step 2 revision .

and guess ( unit 2 unit 1中单词)教师出示**时蒙住一部分,让学生猜猜图上画的是某物吗?t:guess ,is it a crayon ?

s: yes ,it is /no ,it isn’t .**内容为文具、日常生活用品(things for school ,things in a room)

2.复习this ,that的区别。what’s this in the book ? 近处,这) what’s that in the book ? 远处那)

step3 listen and judge .

look at the pictures: what’s this ? it’s……listen to the tape and judge .

a. listen and say : what can you heard?

b. listen and repeat .

c. listen and judge .check the answers .

step 4 say a rhyme : it’s his key .指导看图。

what can you see ?

listen and repeat .试着自由读、指名读。尝试背诵,师生比赛背诵歌谣。step 5 work book .

listen and respond .number .check .judge .step 6 home work背诵歌谣。


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