
发布 2022-11-17 08:14:28 阅读 9022

unit 5



4.一个好看的蛋糕 a you are

the tree

are are right



a. where are you ? b. how old are you c. here you are.


a. here you are b. how old are you? c. i’m nine


a. i’m nine b. i’m eight c. how old are you?


a. how lovely b. how nicec. how beautiful!


a. thank you b. this is for you c. here you are


a. this is a pen b. how lovely c. how beautiful


a. this is a cake b. i want a cake c. what a nice cake!


a. it’s time for the cake! b. i want a cake c. this is a cake


a. happy new year b. happy birthday! c. what a nice cake!


a. make a wish b. it’s time for the cake c. how old are you !

三.配对。 )1. how old are youa. yes, it’s my ruler

)2. make a wish,mikeb. yes, it is.

)3. where’s the penc. i’m four

)4. is that a pencil cased. thank you

)5. here you aree. i’m sorry

)6. don’t shout in the libraryf. he’s under the tree.

)7. where’s liu taog. it’s in the schoolbag

)8. is this your rulerh. i want a toy car.


1.这是什么? 这是一个蛋糕。多么漂亮的蛋糕呀! 给你。谢谢。

what __this ? it’s awhat ahere

thank2.生日快乐。 你几岁了? 我九岁了。

happy birthday. howyou? i’m

在哪? 他在树下。 wheremike? he’sthe

4.那是什么? 是机器人。 真好看!

what’sit’s ahow

5.钢笔在哪? 它在桌子下面is theit’s __the



5.连词成句, car , want , toy , i(.)for , cake , the , is , it(.)

tao , you , old , are , how(,?is , this , for(.)a, nice, what(!

)sister , is , how , your(?)what , bird , a (!


1) you b. what’s this? c. here you are d. it’s a robot e. how lovely

2)a. thank you. it’s lovely.

let’s eat the birthday cake now. b. thank you c.

how old are you ?

d. ok e. happy birthday,mike f. i’m eight g. this robot is for you.


this is the teachers’ office(老师办公室)。 there are(有) five chinese teachers(语文老师) in it. the office is small.

there is(有) a small blackboard(黑板)beside(在。旁边)the window. there are six desks and five chairs in the office.

one desk is near(在。旁边)the door. there are some books on it.

the office is very clean(干净的)。

1. there are five english teachers in the office.

2. there are six desks and six chairs in the office.

3. the blackboard is small

4. the desks are near the door.

5. the office isn’t big, but(但是) it’s clean.


mikesu hai. su hai: good afternoon, mike.

mikebirthday! su haiyou. mikeare you?

su hainine. what about you? mikeeight. su hai: this robot is___you.



for three close but be in eight six

one , two___four . comeplease andthe door.

fiveseventime __classyou’re late.

nine , ten, nine , ten. don’tlate for class again.


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