
发布 2022-08-05 14:51:28 阅读 4582

八年级上册 unit 4 how do you get to school?

复习目标】1、复习并掌握本单元单词及短语 2.学会询问他人的交通方式并会回答。



1. 坐火车/地铁/船2. 骑自行车。

3. 坐校车4. 多远 (距离。

5. 依靠,取决与6. 担心7.远离8. 需要做某事。

. 词汇辨析。

1. take/ spend/ pay/ cost

1) he oftenmuch time playing computer games.

2) it usuallyher two hours to do her homework.

3) how much did the new cell phoneyou?

4) allan380 yuan for the e-dictionary.

2. get to/ arrive in/ arrive at/ reach

1)—when can youschool? -i get to school at seven.

2) theyin beijing yesterday.

3) wehome at six.

3. other/ others/ the other /another

1) lin feng always helpspeople.

2) the old man has two sons. one is a soldieris an engineer.

3) many people are in the park. some are taking a walkare flying kites.

4)would you likecup of coffee?

4. a number of / the number of (填be动词)

1) a number of studentsreading in the classroom.

2) the number of students in our class56.

. 重点句子:我也学会了一些重点句子,真让我有成就感,我真为自己自豪!看,我还能背咧!

1. -how do you get to school? -i ride my bike.= i get to school by bike.

2. -how does he get to school? -he walks to school. =he gets to school on foot.

3. -how long does it take? -it takes about forty minutes.

4. -how far is it from your home to school? -it’s three miles.

5. lin fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school.

6. what do you think of the transportation in your town?

. 重点语法:复习一般现在时。



1. mike (stay) at home on sundays2. my sister (not like) eggs at all.

3. -when they (clean) the house? -they usuallyclean) in the afternoon.

4. you (get) to school at 7:30 every day?

5. we (begin) class at seven thirty in the morning.

6. my brother (watch) tv every evening7. light faster than sound(tr**el).

8. li lei often (carry) water for the old woman.

二。 单项选择。

)1did you come hereboat.

a. how, byb. how long, byc. how, take

)2. health your healthy lifestyle.

a. depends b. decides c. depends on

)3. in north america, most students go to school the school bus.

a. by b. take c. on

)4. my parents are my home in three days.

a. reaching tob. arriving inc. getting to

)5. –how does it take? –it takes about 10 minutes.

a. long b. soon c. far

( )6. the old woman isher lost son.

a. worried aboutb. worryc. worried

)7. do you the transportation in your town?

a. what, think b. how, think of c. what, think of

)8is it from here to downtown? -it’s fifteen kilometers.

a. how much b. how long c. how far

( )9. it me a week to practice the song. and i can sing it well now.

a. spends b. takes c. pays

)10books are missing(不见了). we must ask the police for help.

a. muchb. a number ofc. the number of

三。 根据汉语完成句子。

1. 你通常花多长时间看电视。

2. 他不喜欢坐出租车去上班。

3. 我弟弟通常七点半乘坐地铁去上学。

4. 在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的交通方式。

5. 步行到那儿花我15分钟。


in great britain, there are many rules to make the roads safe, but sometimes people do not obeythe rules. they are careless. if everyone obeys the rules, the roads will be much safer.

what shall we do then?

remember this rule: in britain, traffic keeps to the 1 . cars, buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the roads.

in most other countries like china, traffic keeps to the right.

before you cross the road, 2 and look right then look left, and look 3 again. if you are 4 that the road is 5 , it is time to cross the road. 6 you see children or 7 people, please 8 .

let them go first. it is polite to 9 them.


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