
发布 2022-07-31 19:55:28 阅读 1768


section a第一课时。

一、 课前预习。







b 从方框中选择单词的适当形式填空(其中有两个词是多余的)

prefer, recent, lyric, music, loudly, heart, dislike

1) you should learn the new words by yourthey are very important.

2) the greens enjoy music that has great

3) dr. leeclassical music to pop music.

4) ithe people who are not polite.

5) i can’t hear you clearly. could you speak __

二、 重点讲解及课堂练习。


a prefer v. 更喜爱;更喜欢

1) prefer a to b 句式比起b,更喜欢a

例:i prefer tea to coffee.比起咖啡,我更喜欢喝茶。

i like tea better than coffee. (同义句) (prefer=like …better)

2) prefer to do sth. (rather than do sth.) 宁愿做…(而不愿做…)

例:i prefer to watch tv at home. 我宁愿在家看电视。

i prefer to take a train to beijing rather than fly there. 我宁愿乘火车去北京也不愿意乘飞机去那里。

3) prefer doing … to doing …喜欢干…而不喜欢干…

例:my brother prefers playing games to doing homework. 我弟弟宁愿玩游戏也不愿意做作业。

b remind v. 提醒;使记起。

1) remind sb. of sb./ sth. 提醒某人某事;使某人回想起某人(某事)

例:this picture reminds me of my childhood. 这张**使我记起我的童年。

2) remind sb. (not) to do sth. 提醒某人(不)去做某事。

例:mother often reminds me not to be late for school.妈妈常提醒我上学不要迟到。

3) remind sb. +宾语从句。 提醒某人…

例:i reminded him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑前回家。

自我测评。1) my grandmother preferslive) in the countryside.

2) on sundays i preferswatch) tv to __do) homework.

3) the girl prefersmake) dishes by herself rather than __ask) her mother for help.

4) that story reminded memy past life.

5) they prefer __in bed rather than __horses.

6) a to lie, to ride b lying, riding c to lie, ride d lying, ride

7) 他的话让我想起了我的妈妈。

8) 医生提醒这位老人按时吃药。

9) 请提醒我带上相机。please __memy camera.

疑难句子。i like music that i can dance to. 我喜欢可以随之跳舞的**。





1) i read the book. the book was written by lu xun. →i read the book that\which was written by lu xun.

2) he helped the boy. the boy was hurt in a match.→ he helped the boy who\that was hurt in a match.

3) sally called her brother. her brother’s coat was left at home. →sally called her brother whose coat was left at home.

4) workers are building the bridge. the bridge is the biggest in china→workers are building the bridge请自己动手完成后面的部分)

自我测评。根据句意,用that, who, whose 或which 填空。

1) a person __works in a library is a librarian.

2) the houses __were sold last week were too expensive.

3) the child __mother has left him is crying loudly.

4) this is the second book __i borrowed from the school library.

5) the game __they played was difficult to understand.

6) this is the watch __my mother bought for me on my 14th birthday.

7) i don’t know the man __is standing at the gate of our school.

第二课时。一、 课前预习。

用that, which, who, whose 填空。

1) i love music __i can sing along with.

2) we talked about the things and persons __we saw then.

3) do you know the girl __mother is a doctor?

4) this is the hardest lesson __we h**e learned.

c 阅读课文第46页3a部分,并完成课本布置的任务。

二、 疑难讲解及课堂练习。

1) the music reminds me of brazilian dance music.这个**使我想起了巴西舞曲。

music 是不可数名词,常用a piece of music 表示一支乐曲。

musician → **家 (通常用~cian结尾的词表示 “在…方面有造诣的人”,如magician, physician…)

remind sb. of sth. \to do sth. 上一课时所学习的词组短语。

表示 “使某人想起某事 \ 提醒某人去做某事”

2) i listened to one called heart strings. 我听了一张叫做heart strings 的cd。


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