
发布 2022-07-31 20:01:28 阅读 2676

september 5th, 2011 section a unit 4 what would you do? guidance case 签批。


learning aims: 1 remember the words of section a; 2 remember and use the phrases.

read the book from p26 to p28 , and find out the phrases.

1 捐给慈善组织2 买快餐3 存入银行4 一百万美元5 医学调查6 带来一个礼物7 带去一个小礼物8 变得紧张9 起小丘疹10 夜不能眠11 参加考试12 散步13 大量的水果14 迟到。

考点**:1 million, thousand, hundred 的用法。

1)i h**e五百万美元).

2数以百万的学生) are learning english now.

你的收获:2 take, bring & fetch

1) you should带一个小礼物), when you go to his home.

2 ) mr. wang, i left my dictionary at home, i will带到学校来) tomorrow.

3) lily, can you go to取一些水) for me, i need to water the flowers.

你的收获:read the book from p26 to p28 again , and finish the sentences.

1 he doesn’t know穿什么)?

2如果…将会怎样) everyone else brings a present?

3 then我太累了而不能做好).

4如果我是你), i would wear a shirt and tie.

5 if i were lily我会和看起来友好的人谈论).

6你要做什么) if you had a million dallors.

牛刀小试。1 我不能决定该说些什么。

2 我知道该选哪一个。

3 如果你迟到了将会怎样。

4 如果我是你,我会骑自行车去参加聚会。

5 如果我是李蕾,我就不会和li ming 去动物园。

6 他说的太快了而理解不了。

运用上面的句型,写几个属于自己的句子吧! 一定要用心呀!

september 6th , 2011 section band self check unit 4 what would you do?

guidance case 签批。


aims:1 remember the phrases of section b; 2 use “ what would you do if …?

read the text from p29 to 31 and find out the follow questions.

1 作演讲2 不经过允许3 患感冒3 等待他向我介绍他自己4 邀请她在我家吃饭5 一点也不6 许多的朋友7 与…相处8 一些坏事9 思考10 整个城市11 是某人失望或沮丧12 想出一个好主意13 剩下的学生14 对某人友好15 立刻、马上。


1 would rather…than…,

2 prefer…to…

3 prefer to … rather than …


1你将要做什么)if someone asked you to be in a movie?

2 what would you do如果你的哥哥没经过你的允许而借你的东西)?

3如果我是你) ,i would call her.

4 if i were him我会去车站接你).

5 you know你想要什么).

you know你该怎样得到它).

学以致用。1 和苹果比起来,我更喜欢香蕉。

2 我宁愿呆在家里看电视,也不去看电影。

3 如果我是李明, 我就不会迟到。

4 如果你在哪,你会怎样做?

5 我不能决定什么时候离开。

6 lily 想知道怎样发电子邮件。

7 每个人都确信他会赢。

september 7th, 2011 reading unit 4 what would you do?

guidance case 签批。


learning aims: finish the task according to the passage on p32-p33.

read the passage on p32—p33, and answer the following questions.

1 what would you do if an “internet friend” has asked if you could meet?

2 what would you do if burned yourself by accident?

3 what would you do if a friend offers you cigarettes at a party?


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