
发布 2022-07-31 19:16:28 阅读 7275

unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city park.导学案。

period 1(1a-2c)

一、 学习目标。

1. 学会使用“i will…”,i would like…”等句型,向别人提供帮助。

2. 掌握向别人提供帮助的一些动词短语。



homeless___cheer up写下___

分发___sign __推迟___

think up___提出set up___

call up___



1. i’d like to help无家可归的)people.

2. i’ll help the teachers分发)test *****.

3. it’s sunny. we can’t推迟)sports meeting.

4. lucy failed the exam. she looks unhappy. i’d like to___her___使高兴起来).

5. we are going to h**e a pcnic. so we need to提出)a plan.


i、 导入新课。

合作研讨。1. do you want to be a volunteer?

2. what would like to do to help others as a volunteer?

ii、 及时练习。

1、看p60 1a中的彩图回答问题。

what are they doing as volunteers?

picture 1 they

picture 2 he

picture 3 he

2、 other ways you could help people

iii、 discuss the following questions in groups

1. a: what can we do to cheer up sick kids?

b: you could

2. a: what can we do to help homeless people?

b: you could

3. a: what can we do to work outside?

b: you could

iv.听录音完成p10 1b

v. 合作交流。

h**esimilar conversations using the information in 1b.

vi. 看图说一说(书上p61)

1. what is picture a about?

2. what’s she doing in picture b?

3. what’s he doing in picture c?

4. what’s picture d about?

5. what’s he doing in picture e?

vii. 听录音完成2a和2b.


短语翻译。1 打扫公园 2 使他们高兴/振奋起来。

3分发 4 提出,想出。

5 推迟做某事6写下记下。

7给某人打** 8建立。

9无家可归的人 10张贴标志。

选择填空。room is so dirty,tom. you shouldnow.

it upb. clean up it c. clean them up d. clean up them

it rains, we willput offgo) on a trip.

bettera plan before you do everything.

up b to come up with c. come up with d. catch up with

dad put___a map of china on the on c. up

能力提高:选词并用适当形式填空 clean up,cheer up,put off,set up,think up,put off

1. we h**e tosome new ideas for the games.

i finish the work today?

can’t __it __till tomorrow.

ping isn’t happy __him __

foreign firms h**efactories here.

mother usuallythe dining room after meals.


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