
发布 2022-08-01 21:35:28 阅读 4369

unit eight i’ll help to clean up the city parks.


一。[话题](topic) offer help

二。[重点词组](key phrases)

up 使振奋、高兴 up 打扫干净。

up 摆放,建立 up with 提出(问题)

out 分发,发放 up 建立,发布。

down 写下,记下 to do sth 尽力做某事。

out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境 out of 耗尽,用光。

after 与…相像 up 修理。

away 赠送,分发 out 制定出,算出。

out 发放,消耗尽 for 要求、索要。

only...but also 不但…而且 any more 不再。

similar to 与…相似 day 清节日。


1. i’d like to work outside.

2. i’ll help clean up the city parks.

3. you could volunteer in an after-school study program.

4. i would like to fix up the desks.

5. if you see these things, or problems, what will you do?

6. what kind of volunteer work would you like to do?

四 [重点难点释义](language points)

1. i’d like to work outside. 我想到外面去工作。

would like 是个固定词组,意为“想要”、“愿意”。其具体用法如下:

(1)would like后接动词不定式作宾语。

he would like to play football with us this sunday. 这周日他想要和我们一起打篮球。

2)would like 后接名词作宾语。

i’d like a glass of milk, mum. 妈妈,我想要一杯牛奶。

3)would like 后可接名词或代词作宾语,再接形容词、不定式或过去分词作宾补。

i would like you to come over to my family. 我想让你来我家。

they would like the girl happy. 他们想要这个女孩幸福。

i would like your homework finished by 9:00, please. 我希望你的作业在九点钟前完成。

would you like …?是would like的一般疑问句结构,是询问“需要”的常见句型之一。在此句型中表示“一些”时,多用some 代替any,对该句的肯定答语用yes, please.

,否定答语用no, thanks.。如果like后接动词不定式,则肯定答语常用yes, i’d like/ love to.。

a: would you like some apples? 你想吃苹果吗?

b: yes, please. 是的。

a: would you like something to drink? 你想要些喝的吗?

b: no, thanks. 不了,谢谢!

a: would you like to go to the park with us? 你愿意和我们一起去公园吗?

b: yes, i’d love to. 是的,我很愿意去。

could help clean up the city park. 你可以帮助清理城市公园。

(1)could 是情态动词can 的过去式形式,表示过去的能力。它没有人称和数的变化,后面接原形动词。变否定句在could后加not, 变一般疑问句把could提前。

the boy could ride a bike when he was seven. 这个男孩七岁时就会骑自行车。

could you speak japanese the year before last year? 前年你会讲日语吗?

在某些情况下,could 并不表示过去,只是表示委婉、客气的语气。其肯定答语用:sure.

/certainly./all right.等。

否定答语用:sorry./sorry, i can’t.

等。a: could you tell me if he is a student? 你能告诉我他是不是学生吗?

b: sure. 当然可以。

(2)clean up是省去to的动词不定式,意为“(把……)打扫干净”、“梳理整齐”。

we must clean up the playground every morning. 他每天必须把操场打扫得干干净净。

如果在clean 和up间加个连字符号,那么,它就是名词了,表示“扫除”。

you must give your classroom a good clean-up. 你必须对教室进行彻底地打扫。

3. we need to come up with a plan. 我们必须想出一个计划。

need 是一个常见的动词,表示“需要”之意。它既可以作实义动词,也可以作情态动词。其具体用法如下:

(1)need用作实义动词,有“必要”、“必需”之意,有人称、数和时态的变化,可以接名词、代词、动名词或带to 的动词不定式作宾语,构成疑问句和否定句时要借助于助动词。

the man needs an english dictionary when he works.


do you need to see him yourself? 你必需亲自见他吗?

(2)need用作情态动词,意为“必须”、“必要”,没有人称、数等变化,后接不带to 的动词不定式。 通常用于疑问句和否定句中,构成疑问句和否定句时,不需要使用助动词。

need you go to the park with your classmate? 你必需和你的同学去公园吗?

he needn’t spend much money for this new watch. 他不必花掉这么多钱买这块新手表。

由need引出的疑问句,答语表肯定时用must或h**e to;表示否定时用needn't或don't h**e to。

a: need i come to work tomorrow? 明天我需要来上班吗?

b: yes, you must / h**e to. 是的,你必须来。

a: need i finish the work at once? 我需要马上完成这项工作吗?

b: no, you needn't / don’t h**e to .不,不必今天完成。

4.i take after my other. 我张得像我的妈妈。

take after意为“(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母)相像”,后面多接指人的词为宾语,一般不用于被动语态。

the twins take after their mother. 这对双胞胎和她们的父母很像。

与take after意思相近的词组还有look like (看去像……)be like (像……一样)等。

who does the boy look like? 这个男孩看上去像谁?

his brother is like his father, isn’t he? 他的哥哥像他爸爸,对吗?

5.last week everyone was trying to cheer up jimmy the bike boy.


词组try to do sth. 意思是“尽力去做谋事”,但不强调所做的事是否成功。

try to finish your work on time, please! 请尽量准时完成你的工作!


try doing sth. 表示“试着去做某事”。

yesterday the old man tried opening the door.


manage to do sth. 表示“设法完成某种困难的事”,着重指经过一番努力才能达到的目的。

the woman managed to find her lost son last week.


6...and called up all his friends and told them about the problem.


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unit 8 i ll help clean up the city parks 一 内容 围绕着 volunteering 这个话题,通过动词短语和句型的应用,提高语言交际能力。培养学生为他人着想,热爱公益事业,乐于助人的优良品质。二 教学目标 1 掌握一定量的动词短语用法。2 学会提供帮助的基本...