七上unit7 8复习教案

发布 2021-05-22 00:17:28 阅读 8554


学习目标:1. 问**。




学习重、难点:1. 问**:how much is this t-shirt? it’s 10 dollars.

how much are they? they are 100 dollars.

2. 基数词和序数词的运用。



1. how much are these pants? 这裤子多少钱?


1) how much …?

2) how much … cost?

3) what’s the price of …?

例如:how much is this sweater?

how much does this sweater cost?

what’s the price of this sweater?

4) 另外:how much+不可数名词 …?对数量提问。

2. you name it, we h**e it at a very good price.


以怎样的**: at a ..price

以优惠的/高的/低廉的**: at a good/ high/ low price



例如:the price of this coat is high. =this coat is expensive.

the price of my trousers is low. =my trousers are cheap.


the price of these pants is expensive.

my glasses are low (price).

3. we h**e t-shirts in red, green and black.


同义句:we h**e red t-shirts, green t-shirts and white t-shirts.

n.+ in + 颜色 = 颜色+n. 例如:

she has a new orange jacket. =she has a new jacket in orange.

n. +in all colors 各种颜色的…… 例如:

各种颜色的毛衣: the sweaters in all colors

各种颜色的水: the water in all colors

高分突破:在n. +in all colors这个短语中,若中心词是可数名词则应用复数形式。

例如:各种颜色的帽子:the caps in all colors (√

the cap in all colors (×

4. we h**e black and blue hats for $15.


1) 同义句:we sell black and blue hats at the price of $15.

for + money = at the price of + money 以……(具体的)**。

2) buy sth. for + money 以……(具体的)**买了什么。

buy sth. for + sb. 给某人买了什么。

例如:i bought a pair of red socks for $3.

i bought a pair of red socks for my daughter.

5. huaxing clothing store sale1! 华兴服装店大减价!

1) sale n. **。

2) great sale 大减价。

at great sale 在大减价期间,例如:

come and buy some clothes for you at great sale.

3) on sale 正在**,例如:

look! the cute toy bears are on sale!

4) for sale 待售, 例如:

this house is for sale!

高分突破:sell v. 卖。

is that book on sale in you store? =do you sell that book?

sell sth. to sb. 把什么卖给某人。

unit 8重点句型:

1. when is your birthday?

2. my birthday is january fifteenth.

3. what year were you born?

4. i was born in 1999.

5. when were you born?

6. i was born in january first,1999.




1) -s所有格形式的构成。

大多数单数名词后加 's 构成其所有格形式。

例如: sally’s address 莎莉的地址。

以 s 结尾的名词(特别是名词复数),在 s 后加 '

例如: the teachers' office 老师们的办公室。


例如: mary and linda's birthday 玛丽和琳达的生日。

如果两个或两个以上名词表示分别的拥有关系,则在每个名词后分别加 's。

例如: mary's and linda's birthdays 玛丽的生日和琳达的生日。

2)以of加名词组成 of 属格。

例如: the color of the sweater 毛衣的颜色。

高分突破:1) 不以s结尾的复数名词所有格的构成形式与单数名词的相同。

例如: the children's movie 孩子们的电影。

the women's day妇女节。

2) 在以下两个语言点使用的时候,注意其名词的单复数。

例如: mary and linda's birthday 玛丽和琳达的生日。



例如: tom's books 汤姆的书。


例如: the ticket of chinese kung fu show 中国功夫表演的门票。


例如: a women's college 女子学院。


例如: it is the violin of the boy speaking to the teacher.

当所有格中的名词是以定冠词加形容词的形式出现时,只能用 of 构成的所有格形式。

例如: the happiness of the old 老年人的幸福。




日期:用序数词表示,前面可加the ,也可省略,但读要读出the.


4.时间介词 in, on , at 的用法区别。

5. how old的用法:

6. be born 的用法

熟读。课本 p47 1a , p48 2a 2d , p52 1


练习题:old is she?(同义句)

2. jack usually has a hamburger and a cup of milk for lunch.

jack usually __for lunch?

3. my birthday is july 1st.(对划线部分提问)


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