
发布 2021-05-20 11:36:28 阅读 1852

module 6

unit 2

she visited the tianchi lake.

知识目标】1. 能够听、说、认、读本课的重点单词:ride, horse, climb, holiday

2. 掌握“where did you go for the holidays? ”等句型。

能力目标】口头运用句型“where did you go for the holidays? where is…? it’s in the…of china.





句型“where did you go for the holidays? where is…? it’s in the …of china.”是本单元的教学重点及难点。

课前准备】1. 单词卡片/时间展示图;

2. 教学光盘或其他录音机设备;

3. 教学课件。

教学过程】step 1:warm up

east and west,

home is the best.

north and south,

let’s h**e a rest.

step 2:revision


step 3:learn the new text


利用一副中国地图直观演示,首先让学生认识四个地名:beijing,shanghai,hainan和xinjiang,接着采用任务型的教学途径把重点句型:“where is +地名?

” it’s in the…of china.”体现出来并板书。然后,自编歌谣:

north, north, north, beijing is in the north.

south, south, south, hainan is in the south.

east, east, east, shanghai is in the east.

west, west, west, xinjiang is in the west.

step 4:make a dialogue

a: where did you go to for the holidays?

b: i went to …

a: where is…?

b: it’s in the…of china.


step 5:answer the questions

1. 你们想知道玲玲假期去了**吗?

2. 听录音,感知内容,在这里,我提出了如下几个问题:

when did lingling go to xinjiang?

where is xinjiang?

what did lingling do there?


step 6:homework

1. recite the text.(背诵课文)

2. share your tr**elling stories with your friends. (和你的朋友们分享你的旅游故事。

板书设计】module 6 unit 2

she visited the tianchi lake.

ride horse climb holiday

where did you go for the holidays?

it’s in the north/south/east/west of china.




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