
发布 2021-05-20 10:38:28 阅读 9552

unit 5 encyclopaedia



reading b


常用句型。it is possible to do…. 做…是可能的。

reading 综合知识点:

aof 上百万的。

million of birds flew to the south to spend winter. 上百万的鸟飞到南方去过冬。

2.比较man 和 human being比较man 和 human being

man和 human being都有“人”的意思。human being是可数名词,a human being表示单个的人,human beings 则泛指所有的人,或指“人类”;man表示“人类”时为不可数名词。

例如:he was the only human being on the island. 他是那个岛上唯一的人。

man can do anything. 人类可以坐任何事情。

earth 意为“在地球上”

例:we live on earth.

than 意为“超过;多于”,相当于介词over,如:

there are more than 5000 adjectives in that dictionary. 那本词典中收录了5000多个形容词。

上面的这句子可以改写为:there are over 5000 adjectives in that dictionary.

more than “多于”,常和数词连用。

there are more than thirty students in the classroom.

【拓展】more than还有“不仅仅,不只是”的意思,相当于not only,修饰名词。

the museum is more than a museum, it’s a school.


book store is very small, but it has三百多种书)

bill, joe is不仅仅是哥哥);he’s his closest friend.

dinosaurs were as small as chickens.有些恐龙小如雏鸡。

as small as 同……一样小。

as ……as……“同……一样……”用来对同等事物的比较。第一个as后接形容词或副词原级,第二个as后接比较的另一方,在否定句中,第一个as可用so代替,表示前者不如后者。

he is as tall as me. he is not as/so tall as me.

【注意】as……as和not as/so……as后与人称代词连用时,用主格或宾格均可,如:he is as tall as i (me).但人称代词后有动词时,必须用主格,如:

he is not as/so tall as i am.



don’t run和男孩子跑得一样快).

all died out suddenly.恐龙突然间全部都灭绝了。

die out意为“灭绝,消失”,如:

many old customs are dying out. 很多古老的习俗正在消失。

7.,however,people can learn about the lives of dinosaurs from fossils of their skeletons,eggs,and footprints.然而,人们可以通过恐龙骨骼、卵和脚印的化石来了解他们的生活状态。

learn about意为“了解,得知”,在含义上与learn单独使用有较大的区别,故在使用时应引起注意。;learn与learn about 两者的区别如下:

learn 表示“学习,学会”的意思,而learn about表示“了解,学到关于…的内容”。如:

i learn english at school. 我在学校学习英语。

i learn about the history of the uk when i was at the museum. 我在博物馆了解到关于英国的历史。

8. he is famous for his cartoon character, such as mickey mouse, donald duck……

be famous for “因……而著名” for 后接人或物之所以闻名的原因,接名词。

与be known for 意思相近。

the writer is famous for his stories.

【拓展】be famous as “以……(身份)而出名”,后接表示职业的名词。

lu xun is famous as a writer. guangzhou is famous as a flower city.


town is famousits beautiful water.

girl is famousa singer in american.

such as 表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。

there are few poets such as keats and shelly.

拓展】such as & for example

①such as一般用来列举同类人或物中的几个例子,插在被列举的例子和前面的名词之间,as后没有逗号。在使用such as时应注意后面列举事物的数量不能等于前面所提事物的总和,若相等时用namely或that is. 如:

he has been to many countries, such as america, japan and germany.

he can speak three foreign languages, namely chinese, english and french.

for example一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例,作插入语,可置于句首、句中或句末。

for example,air is invisible.

he,for example,is a good student.

练习】用such as和for example

1. english is spoken in many countriesaustralia, canada and so on.

2. there are many kinds of pollutionnoise is a kind of pollution.

6. disney did a number of different jobs before he opened disneyland.

was born in the usa.迪士尼出生在美国。

be born 意为“出生”。如: peter was born in guangzhou on august 27th 1998.

number of 意为“许多的,若干的”,在句中往往做定语,句子谓语应与a number of 后面的名词一致。即后面跟复数可数名词构成名词词组作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。

a number of people are standing on the playground.

【拓展】the number of 意为“……的总数”,其后也接名词复数构成名词词组,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

the number of students in our classroom is sixty.


number of peoplebe) visiting the city now.

number of the birds in the treebe) 8 or 10.

11. jean champollion(吉恩商伯良)was good at languages.

be good at “在……方面擅长;在……方面做得好”,at后接名词或动名词。

tom is good at swimming.

【拓展】be good at 相当于do well in,但do well in更强调一次做得好。

he did well in the english exam.


hear that girl here擅长唱歌和跳舞).



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