
发布 2021-05-20 10:13:28 阅读 5781

7a unit 3 重点短语。

1. dress up as… 乔装打扮成……

2. monkey king 美猴王

3. a list of… 一系列……

4. mid-autumn festival 中秋节

5. dragon boat festival 端午节、龙舟节

6. thanksgiving day 感恩节

7. trick or treat 不招待就使坏

8. knock on the door 敲门

9. as a treat 作为招待

10. give sb a treat 招待某人

11. play a trick on sb 和某人开玩笑/给某人闹恶作剧

12. at halloween 在万圣节

13. paint our faces 给我们的脸涂色

14. pumpkin lanterns 南瓜灯笼

15. cut out 剪下、割掉

16. on the evening of… 在……的晚上

17. hot food 辣的食品

18. new year’s day 元旦

19. may day 五一节

20. children’s day 儿童节

21. teachers’ day 教师节

22. national day 国庆节

23. at breakfast 早餐时

24. at christmas 在圣诞节

25. be born 出生

26. see a/ the doctor 看医生

27. take sb for a walk 带某人去散步

28. h**e a long holiday 有一个长假

29. go on holiday 去度假

30. in a special costume 穿着特殊的服装

31. at the dragon boat festival 在端午节

32. h**e a party 举行晚会

33. on the other side of 在……的另一边

34. around the world 在世界范围内

35. knock on the door 敲门

36. dream about 梦见

37. put up 张贴、挂上

38. at the weekend 在周末

39. make a plan 制定计划。

7a unit3 语法。

1、一年四季:季节 、春天 、夏天 、秋天 、冬天 。

2、一周七天:星期日 、星期一 、星期二 、星期三 、星期四 、星期五 、星期六 。

3、一年十个月:一月 、二月 、三月 、四月 、五月 、六月 、七月 、八月 、九月。

十月 、十一月 、十二月。

重点概览。 at, on, in



at 8 o'clock at noon at nigh


on monday on sunday morning on january 15th


in the morning 指的是上午的一段时间。

in 2004 在2004的一段时间里。

in february in spring

2、at night/ in the night

1)at night 在夜间,在傍晚。一般可指整个夜间或午夜之前。

2)in the night在夜间,在夜里(某个时候)当这两个词组用作"在夜间"时,可以换。

用。3)如果表示"在傍晚"时只能用at night或in the evening,而不能用in the night.

练习:用in, at, on 填空:

1、we met the evening of january 5th , 2000.

2、they celebrate halloween october 31.

3、he usually gets up 6:30.

4、they do their homework the evening.

5、he was born shanghai.

6、paul and lucy often swim summer.

7、people h**e a lot of special chocolates and candies halloween.

8、my father often reads news*****s breakfast.

w h –疑问词的用法。

exercises for ‘w h-’ questions

i do some shopping with my friend on sundays.

when do you do some shopping with your friend?

he will go to school on foot.

how will he go to school?

the boy in red is my friend.

which boy is your friend?

jim’s father is a teacher.

whose father is a teacher?

you can put the candles in the lantern.

where can you put the candles?

your book is on the desk.

what is on the desk?

some 和 any 的用法。

共同点:some 和 any 都表示“一些”的意思,都是既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。

there is some milk in the bottle.

there aren’t any apples on the tree.

不同点:some 用于肯定句(positive sentence)中。 any

否定句(negative sentence) 或疑问句中。

但是在疑问句(question)中表示疑问语气的时候用any; 表示建议、规劝、请求、征求对方意见并希望对方做肯定回答时用some.

would you like some cakes?

more exercise about usage of “some” or “any”

1. would you like bananas?

2. may i h**e milk? i’m very thirsty.

3. can i get you tea?

4. can i bring food here tomorrow?

5. do you h**e books?

6. yes, i h**e

7. no, i don’t h**e

8. can you do cleaning for me? .

专题练习:用 in, at, on 填空。

1.__the first day of march2.__the weekend

3.__october 31st 4.__the evening of the 4th

5.__christmas6.__the evening

7.__168.__monday afternoon


11.__a cold morning12.__the first week of this term

13.__december 14.__2009



1. i do some housework on sundays.

2. he will go to the school christmas party on foot.

3. the boy in red is my friend.

4. he wants to go shopping for a costume.

5. you can put the candles in the lantern.

6. your book is on the desk.

用some, any 填空。

1. would you likebananas?

2. may i h**emilk? i’m very thirsty.

3. can i get youtea?

4. shall i bringfood here tomorrow?

5. —do you h**ecakes?

yes, i h**eno, i don’t h**e .


7a unit3 一 短语。1.春节。2.端午节。3.中秋节。4.感恩节。5.打扮。6.给脸涂上颜色。7.剪出眼睛。8.热饮料。9.为万圣节做好准备。10.用南瓜做灯笼。二 句子。1.我们玩一种叫不招待就使坏的游戏。2.假如他们不款待我们,我们就捉弄他们。3.我们穿着戴面具的特殊的服装。4.有时我们...


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