
发布 2021-05-14 06:55:28 阅读 1867

牛津英语广州版7a unit 1 ****** friends

难点精讲]reading part

would like to be your penfriend.我想成为你的笔友。

would like “想,想要”,后常接名词和不定式,可以与want互相转换。如:

would you like some tea?=do you want some tea?

i would like to go with you.=i want to go with you.

can speak chinese,but i cannot write it very well.



i want to say something about the meeting.

can you say it in english?

talk:表示非正式场合的讲话,也表示闲聊和谈话。常有结构有:talk with sb. “与。

某人交谈”,talk to sb. “对某人说话”。如:

don’t talk with each other when you are in class.

i want to talk to you after class.

tell:表示“告诉”,常用句型有:tell sb.(about)sth.,tell sb.(not)to do sth.。如:

i’ll tell him the good news when he comes back.

our teacher often tells us to study hard.


who will speak at the openning?

can i speak/talk to you for a moment?

is near my house,so i can walk to school.

“walk to…”意为“走路去…”,相当于“go to …on foot”.如:

i walk to the market to buy some fruits.=i go to the market on foot to buy some fruits.

enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter,and tennis in summer.


i enjoy the film.

young children enjoy playing with their friends.

am in glasses.

介词in 在此表示“穿着,戴着”。如:

the policemanin uniform is li tao’s father.

i met a man in dark glasses there.

is also a basketball player on the school team.


he is a member on the club.

wants to be one of the best swimmers in the world.

one of +形容词最高级+复数名词”表示:“最……的…….之一”。如:

liu fang is one of the best students in our class.

he is studying in one of the best school in guangzhou.

is not very good at sports,but he is very friendly to everyone around him.

“be friendly to …”意为“对…友好”,相当于“be kind to…”。如:

we should be friendly to people.=we should be kind to people.

the step mother wasn’t friendly to him=the step mother wasn’t kind to him.

listening part

1. the first person on the left is zhang yue.


the post office is on the left of the street.

the girl on the right of me is jenny.

2. he is the captain of the boy’s team.

表示“男子的、女子的”和“男式的、女式的”,常用复数名词所有格表示。如:men’s football team,women’s clothes shop

language part

1. 特殊疑问句。

1) wh-的特殊疑问句有特殊疑问词加一般疑问句构成。特殊疑问词根据其所表达的内容有不同的意义:what 表示事物,意为“什么”;who表示人,意为“谁”;whose表示“某人的…”,意为“谁的”;where 表示地点,意为“在**”;when表示时间,意为“什么时候”;which表示人或物,意为“哪一个/些(人或物)”,等等。

如:what do you often do in the evening?

who did you go shopping with yesterday?

whose book is this?

where do you live?

when do you usually go to school?

which subject do you like best?


how old ,how tall, how fast, how long, how he**y, how many,how much等等。如:how old are you?

how fast can the car run?

how much does this skirt cost?



——how many people are there in your family?

——there are five.

——where did you go last sunday?

——i went to the park.

2. 冠词a,an和the的用法。

1) 不定冠词a和an的基本用法:


i bought a book yesterday.

i bought an interesting book yesterday.

2)定冠词the 的用法:


when must we got to the park?


i bought a book book is very interesting .

▲ 用在表示世界上独一无二的事物之前。如:

look at the is very bright.


he is the tallest boy in our class.


the first boy on the left is li lei.


he likes playing the piano.

why not go to paris?

why not do…? 为什么不做…”,常用来表示提出建议,可以转换成句型“why don’t you do…?”如。

why not go out for a walk after supper?=why don’t you go our for a walk after supper?

speaking &writing part

am so glad to hear from you.

hear from sb表示“收到某人的来信”时,相当于get a letter from sb.如:

she didn’t hear from her parents last week.

=she didn’t get any letter from her parents last week.

hear from sb还可以表示“(通过**、短信、电子邮件等)得知某人的消息”。如:h**e you heard from him?

more practice part

1.“try to speak english every day”,she always says.“每天都尽量说英语,”她经常说。

try两种结构的区别:try to do “尽力、努力做…….try doing … 尝试做”。如:

i’ll try to get there on time.

your bike is not try walking to school?


7a u1 title n.题目 标题。dear adj.亲爱的。street n.街道。hobby n.业余爱好。chess n.国际象棋。as prep.作为。tennis n.网球。middle n.中间。age n.年龄。table tennis n.乒乓球。left n.左边。stand ...


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