四下Unit 7 story time教案

发布 2021-05-20 10:05:28 阅读 2760

so do you know what’s the matter with miss xu? (揭题)

s:what’s the matter?

t:i’m hungry and thirsty.

板书新句型what’s the matter?i’m … 并教读。

step 2. presentation and prctice

1. t: in the game, we are very happy. look at them. are they happy?

no.teach new words and sentences.

what’s the matter?(揭题)

i’m hungry/ thirsty/ tired / ill .

2. say a chant.

matter, matter , what’s the matter?

hungry , hungry , i am hungry.

matter, matter, what’s the matter?

ill , ill , i am ill.

你能用thirsty, tired 像这样编一个吗?h**e a try!

and choose

整体看课文的动画,找出答案: what’s the matter with taotao?

and find

a) liu tao is thirsty. what does liu tao want to h**e ? 刘涛想要喝什么呢?)

read picture 2 quickly and find .

teach :can i h**e…? 我可以吃/喝……吗?)

liu tao drinks some water . taotao is still (仍然)not happy now.

why ? because he is tired.

b) he is tired. what does he want to do?(刘涛想要怎么做呢?)

read picture 3 quickly and find.

teach :i want to … 我想要……)

5. before bed,what should they say to each other?

teach : good night, dear.

step 3. reading and consolidation

1. read after the ppt.

2. read by yourself .

tip :正确流利的阅读课文,遇到不会的要请教老师哦!

3. try to recite or say. (尝试说背课文)

4. let’s act in roles. (三人一组分角色表演对话。)

tip : 1. 迅速确定角色。

2. 注意动作表情哦。

5. make a new dialogue: (同桌两人编个小对话,比一比,看看哪一组说的英语又多又准确流利。) 注:此环节为流动环节,根据实际上课时间决定去留。

6. emotion education: \

care more about your family and friends.


it’s a pleasure to help others .


step 4. homework

1. act the dialogue with your friends after class.

2. 用我们这节课学过的内容主动去关心一下下班后的爸爸妈妈。


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