高一英语 下 unit

发布 2021-05-20 10:02:28 阅读 8596

3. yet advconj

[翻译] the moon has not risen yet.

i don’t know him, yet i can get his help.

注意:在肯定句中表示“已经”要用already,不能用yet。若在疑问句中用already代替yet, 则表示惊异的语气。

has the bell rung already

4. nearly adv

nearly 和 almost区别: nearly 与almost 两者都可用来修饰不定代词、形容词、副词、动词、介词短语等,在很多情况可互换,但有些情况不行。 he almost (nearly) always arrives late

a. 只能用almost的场合:

1) 修饰no, none, never, any以及由no或any的合成词。

i h**e almost nothing to do today

2) 修饰表示感觉或心理的动词或形容词。

i almost think you are right

3) 修饰more than和too.

that’s almost too much

b. 只能用nearly的场合: 被very, not, pretty修饰时。

i’m not nearly ready

注意:not nearly = far from, much less than 差得远,远远不够

练习:(1)this word is to be found in __any dictionary.

(2) there is not __enough money for a new car.

(3no one came to the party.

(4) it’s not __so difficult as you think.

5. escape vivt

[翻译] the thief escaped from prison

the old man escaped death


比较: he escaped prison

he escaped from prison

翻译]: 有一只狮子从笼子里逃走了。


6. damage nv

翻译]: smoking can damage your health.

the storm did a lot damage to the crops.

固定搭配:cause/ do damage to

比较:damage 和destroy



a fire __the house completely.

the typhoon caused a lot of

step 4 : complete the sentences with the words in the box. change the form if necessary.

nothing like be amazed by at hand

as if let in as… as possible

i’d like to see yousoon

ithe news of george’s sudden death.

it looksit will rain before long.

open the window andsome fresh air.

her cooking is __yours.

i don’t h**e a model

step 5 : homework. read and write the new words .

unit3 what do we eat today?

unit 7 nice weather, nice mood

period 3-4

listening and speaking

aims: know some useful expressions in speaking part.

how to catch the main meaning of the listening part.

important points: know some useful expressions in speaking part.

methods: teaching and practicing.

step1:look at the picture and answer the question: what will the weather be like this afternoon?

then listen to the conversation to check your prediction.

step2:listen underline the sentences talking about different weather conditions in the conversation.

step3:list useful expressions about asking about the weather & possible responses.

step4: use the expressions you’ve learned to talk about the weather.


mike: it’s fine. kind of dry, though.

jackmike: it’s 20℃.

jack: it’s so good for the football match.

step5: work in pairs and complete the conversation below.

you and your partner are planning a picnic for the coming weekend.

you: hi, what do you say we h**e a picnic on friday?

partner: well, the weather forecast says it

you: so how about saturday?

partner: ittoo.

you: so that le**es us no choice but sunday.

partner: i guess so. the weather forecast says it

you: so sunday it is.

step 6: do some exercises.


①lift … upa short distance

18 degrees centigradeas if

⑤below zerocool off




a: it __it’s going to be


b: yes, it’sthan yesterday.



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