
发布 2021-05-22 08:31:28 阅读 5096

unit 4 how do you spend your spare time?

listening and speaking

step 1. 课堂**

1)teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事。

2) be good at 擅长。

(3) relax vt. 放松,常与反身代词连用,也可用过去分词形式作表语。

4) nothing special 没什么特别的。

(5) go to a friend’s for dinner 去一个朋友家吃晚饭。

6) how often 多久一次(指频率)

7) be terrible at … 在……方面很糟。

step 2. 知识链接。

1)play the piano 弹钢琴(play的宾语如果是乐器,则该名词前用冠词the;如宾语是球类,则不用任何冠词)。

例:play the violin弹小提琴; play the guitar弹吉它; play basketball打篮球; play pingpong打乒乓等。

2) as … as … 和……一样……;not as (so) …as … 不如(比不上)……

three times as … as …,是……的三倍大; three times the size of, 是……的三倍大;

three times larger than …,比……大三倍。

(3) how long h**e you been playing it? 你弹了多久了?


how often 指频率(多久一次)。

how soon 还要多久。

step 3. 当堂训练。

a 根据首字母写出中文相对应的英文单词。

what do you do in your空余的) time?

what’s your爱好), billy?

how do you放松) yourself on weekends?

my最喜爱的) activity is cooking.

b 根据中文写出对应的英文单词。

do you h**e anything特别的) to tell me?

he is good at防御) but糟糕的) at shooting.

i water the flowers in my garden两次) a week.

reading and writing

step 1. 课堂**

1) h**e to 必须,不得不;否定don’t h**e to = needn’t 不必。

2)once 一旦(引导条件状语从句)

3)become warm enough 变得够暖和。

4)be crazy about 热衷于,对……狂热;又如:be keen on,be fond of, h**e interest in …

5)ask about sth. /sb. 问起某物 / 某人。

step 2. 知识链接。

1)begin vt. vi. 开始;begin with sth.

/by doing sth. 以……开始;beginning n. 开始,开端,at the beginning of 在……的起初。

(2)hang vi. vt. (过去式hung, 过去分词hung悬挂; 过去式hanged, 过去分词hanged绞死)

3)spend … on sth. 在某物上花(时间 / 金钱);spend … in) doing sth. 花(时间 / 金钱)做某事。

4)full a. 满的 be full of(强调状态); be filled with(强调动作)充满,装满;

be in full bloom 鲜花盛开。

5)be worth every penny 钱花得很值。

worth a. n. 值得;价值;be worth + n. 或 be worth doing

worthy a. 有价值的; be worthy to be done / be worthy of being done 值得做……

6)mary eats salads made with vegetables from her own garden.

salads made with vegetables蔬菜沙拉,本句中made with vegetables为过去分词短语作后置定语,此外,现在分词、动词不定式短语也常可作定语修饰名词。

7)… small pots that she keeps near a window.

本句中that she keeps near a window为定语从句,修饰句词pots,that是关系代词,课文中类似的从句还有:

… long planting boxes that she hangs on the window. (关系代词that引导定语从句)

… flowers into the garden where they get the most sunlight. (关系副词where引导定语从句)

the money she spends on her garden is worth every penny! (省略关系代词that或which)

… you see flowers and plants that are full of beautiful colors … 关系代词that引导定语从句)

step 3.当堂训练。

) 1) every spring our campus isfull bloom.

a. inb. at c. with d. for

)(2) youreturn the book now. you can keep it for another three days.

a. h**e to b. h**en’t to c. don’t h**e to d. needn’t to

)(3) most children are crazythe film “harry port”.

a. of b. about c. with d. in

)(4) i don’t think this question is worth

a. to discussb. being discussed

c. to be discussedd. discussing

)(5a little child can solve such a problem.

a. ever b. even c. only d. if

)(6) oh, i h**e never seeninteresting story before.

a. so a b. such a c. so an d. such an

)(7) hurry upwe’ll be late for the meeting.

a. and b. for c. so d. or

)(8) it seems that he has spent a large sum of moneythat house.

a. in b. for c. on d. at

)(9) the park in spring isall kinds flowers and trees.

a. full with b. filled of c. full of d. filled for

)(10) do you know the gentlemanus the speech now?

a. give b. given c. being given d. giving

language in use

step 1. 课堂**

1.常见的频率副词有often, sometimes, usually, always, never, every day, once a week等。








5)频率副词放在used to和h**e to的前面:

6 ) hardly ,ever,never,rarely等也可放在句首,但必需倒装后面的主要动词。

step 2. 当堂训练。

)1. -do you __h**e parties?

yes. every sunday evening.


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