高考总复习高一英语 unit

发布 2021-05-18 17:50:28 阅读 1734

高考总复习:高一英语--unit 8

unit 8 mainly revision

lesson 29

yourself to...


make yourself at home.

would you like some(beef,mutton etc.)?how/what about(a glass of beer,etc.)?

one s house(for...


where s li hai,do you know?—he s at mr smith s for dinner.

on new year s eve,we all got together at grandpa s.


turns take turns to do sth.意思是“轮流做某事”。

例如:all the students took turns to look after the sick boy.

we usually take turns to be on duty.


may i offer a suggestion to you?我可以向你提个建议吗?they ve offered us£60,000 forthe we take it?

他们出价六万英镑买这所房子,我们卖不卖?the police are offering abig reward for the information

about that traffic accident.警察要用一大笔赏金给提供有关交通事故情况的人。

lessons 30 & 31



columbus discovered america.

they discovered oil in the north sea.

who invented the computer?where did you find the lost child?

much water as rice

as much water as rice这里用作比较状语,as...as中间常接形容词或副词原级。

注意】在否定句中,还可以用not so...as

as...as中间也可以是“形容词+名词”(例如:as much water as)。注意:如果名词是可数名词单数,冠词应放在形容词和名词中间。例如:

i think english is as interesting as maths.

boys don t work as/so carefully as girls(do).

english is as interesting a subject as maths.

he didn t own as large a house as i had imagined.

i h**en t got as many books as i ve needed.


is there any room for my computer?还有放我的计算机的地方吗?in about 600 years,therewill be standing room only on the earth.

六百年以后,地球上将只剩下站立的空间了。there aretwo spare rooms for the guests in the house.

the corn这里prepare的意思是“调制,烹制”,相当于cook。表示“为……准备”时,用prepare for...表示“为某人准备……”时,用prepare sth.

for sb. ;表示“准备做……”时,用prepare to do...例如:

youcanpreparethefishasyoulike.你可以按自己喜好的口味烹制鱼。motherisbusypreparing supper.

妈妈在忙着做饭。they are preparing to go to america for holidays.

这里whole意思是“整个”。注意它的位置,和代词连用时,whole必须放在代词后(例如:cook it whole);和名词连用时,可放在名词前,也可放在名词后。例如:

he ate the egg whole/the whole egg.

shall we take half the work or le**e it whole toyou? many parts ofthe world corn ismade into powder.


是“把……制作成……”的意思。请看下面的例句,注意由make组成的短语的意义和用法。they make wood into ***** in thisfactory.

在这座工厂里人们把木料制成纸。that cloth can be made into a dress.这块布料可以做一件连衣裙。

this kind of ***** is made from wood.这种纸是用木料制成的。this kite is made ofsilk.

这个风筝是用绸子做的。our medical team was made up of two doctors and three nurses.我们的医疗队由两名大夫、三名**组成。

shipped from...to...


canweshiptheboxtoshanghai?我们能将这个箱子船运至上海吗?thefreshfruitisshipped to all over the country.

新鲜的水果被运往祖国各地。 1555,it had already becomeimportant here.


by the end of last term,we had learned 5,000 english words.

we will h**e finished all the work by next thursday.涞。

例1单项填空the buildings are pulled down toa newlyˉbuilt highway.

a. supply with b. make use of c. make room for d. do their best


例2单项填空cotton can be made cloth and many other things.

a. from b. out of c. of d. into


例3单项填空2004北京春季luckily,we d brought a road map without we would h**elost our way.

a. it b. that c. this d. which


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