
发布 2021-05-20 09:59:28 阅读 9859

unit5 topic1

section a:

at the school gate 在学校大门口


3.”by+交通工具”表示乘坐某种交通工具,短语中间不能用冠词。 bus, by car, by boat/ship, by plane.

by引导的短语不能在句中作谓语,只能作方式状语与动词go, come等连用, my father goes to work everyday.-my father drives/takes the car everyday.

4. “by+交通工具”用how引导的疑问句提问。

5. it’s time for sth = it’s time to do sth . 是做……的时间了

6. one of +名词复数+复数形式的动词表示”……之一” two/three of +名词复数+复数形式的动词表示”……之中的两个/三个”


meet在学校大门口). coat (看起来) very nice. often come to school (骑自行车)?

(写出同义句). time class.(同义句) of us (go)to school by bike.

6. one of us (go )to school on foot.

section b:

1. on weekdays 在平日,在工作日 early bird catches the worm 笨鸟先飞。

2. 频度副词 about…-how about 怎么样,好不好?


time do you usually get up (在平日)? early bird (捉住)the worm. (很少)walks to school.

sometimes (乘地铁回家).(两种方法表达) 5. they always乘公交车去动物园)(两种方法表达) 6.

we usually走着去公园)

section c:

1. want to do sth. 想要做某事。 about … 了解…情况”相当于learn about

3.{few 几乎没有a few 几个,一些some 修饰可数名词。

little 几乎没有a little 一点,一些,修饰不可数名词。

4. h**e a short break 短暂休息一下

one’s free time –in one’s spare time 在空余时间

so on 等等

dancing 去跳舞 go fishing 去钓鱼 go skating 去滑冰 go boating 去划船。

often “多久一次”提问频率。回答常用频度副词,常与一般现在时连用。

9。three times a week 一周三次。time作可数名词时为“次数,倍数”作不可数名词时为”时间”

basketball/football/soccer. play和球类名词连用,表示做…运动,中间不加冠词, play the piano / the violin/the guitar play 和乐器连用,必须加the

must come first 工作(学习)必须放在第一位。


1. our new friend today is michael class4 grade 7.

2. we want (know about)the school life american students.

(很少几乎没有)students (骑车).


5.do they (短暂休息) after lunch?

time the classes (结束)afternoon? do they do (在他们空闲的时间)?

8. (多久)do you (去图书馆)?9一周三次)

section d:

1. at;有在时间点之前。

2. in the morning/afternoon/evening/summer/winter

3. on 用在具体日期前。

4. a little while --a short time 一会儿。


wait (一会儿) 2.起床 3.和…一起吃早饭4.放学以后5.7:107:157:307:45

unit5 topic2

section a:

doing sth.喜欢做某事。

the library 在图书馆 on the playground 在操场上 in the dormitory 在宿舍 at the moment=now 此刻,现在 make cards 制做卡片。

3.现在进行时态:主+be + doing…(肯)be+主+doing …(一般疑问句)

主+be not + doing …(否)特殊疑问词+ be + doing…(特殊疑问句)


1. what maria (do ) now? sheread)in the library?

2. she (like) (read) books? yes, she does.

3. henot clean) the classroom at the moment.

4. you (看书)? yes, i am. 5. he like (sleep) best? yes, he does.

section b:

1. in the school library 在图书馆 good at ,do well in 在…做得好 do better in 在…做得更好 for 寻找,强调动作,find 找到,强调结果 the shelf 在架子上(shelves)

5. how long 对做某事所持续的时间提问,表示”多长时间””多久”.

6. keep 借,borrow的延续性动词,borrow强调”借”这一动作,keep强调”借”这一状态。

7. return 归还=give …back

8. on time 按时,准时 in time 及时。

9. –thank you. –you’re welcome. /it’s a pleasure. /it’s my pleasure./my pleasure.

10. thank you all the same.仍然要谢谢你=thank you anyway.


11. money:不可数名词,不能和many ,a few连用。

12. else:别的,其他的,用在名词之前。


1. many studentsuse) them, and theyenglish now. (学得更好)

2. how long can i (借) them? must (归还) them按时)

你钱包里) there is一些钱)

what’s+介词短语+…?常用来询问某处有什么。其答常用there be 句型。

is nothing (别的).what can you see?(别的)

6will you stay in america? about two months.

section c:

1. plan:” 计划,打算”,动作。动词 plan to do sth 计划去做某事。

2. in the center of 在…中心 in the swimming pool游泳池里。

3. 方位介词:on the left/right next to at the back(behind)of near the playground

4. news 不可数名词,一条消息 a piece of news

5. between…and… 在…与…之间,主要用于两者之间。

6. from…to…从…到… be over 完成,结束 finish end


1. here (be) a plan of our school. here (be) some photos of my family.


review of unit5 topic1 一。学习目标 1.掌握并能熟练运用表达交通方式的句型。2.掌握频度副词的表达方式。3.掌握 一般现在时 的用法。4,能够描写自己一天的日常生活 my day 二。重点短语。看电视 电影。做家庭作业。起床 去睡觉。踢足球 打篮球。吃早 午 晚饭。go to...


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