
发布 2022-01-12 21:02:28 阅读 8544

unit 6 our local area

姓名。topic1 there is a study next to my bedroom



2、掌握there be的各种形式及用法。


4、熟练掌握方位介词in, on, behind, under, near, next to, in front of


not =why don’t you为什么不 ( 后跟动词原形) upstairs上楼。

the front of the house 在屋子(里面的)前面

in front of the house在屋子(外面的)前面。

about sth.谈论talk with sb.和某人谈论。

them/it away 把他们/它收拾好 put ……away把……收拾好。

after 照顾,看管。

the tree(非树本身的东西)在树上 on the tree(树本身的东西)

the wall在墙上in the wall在墙里。

sb about sth tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事。

the back of 在……后面 the center of 在……**。

to 在……近旁,紧邻 the center of 在……**。

the left/right of 在 ……左/右边 15.0n the first floor 在第一层楼。

so on 等等 the study 在书房。

the right of…. 在 …的右面 19. on the left of 在…的左面。

the chair 在椅子下面 with 与…玩耍。


1 it’s on the second floor.

在哪一层楼,用介词on。on表示在……上面。second是序数词,前面要用定冠词the, 意为第二(的)。

2. h**e a look看看。后面接名词时要用at. 如h**e a look at your watch.

3. 用来询问某地有某物,其结构为:what’s+介词短语,回答时应用there be句型。

4. play with“和……玩耍”,“玩” play with sb. “与某人一起玩”

5. in the tree与on the tree

(1) in the tree 指外来物体在树上。

(2) on the tree树木本身长出来的花、树叶等。

6. like doing与like to do

like doing 表示经经常性或习惯性的兴趣、爱好。与love doing相似。

like to do 表示偶尔的、一次性的喜欢。与love to do相似。


there be 句型的用法。

句子结构: there is /are +某人/某物 +某地。

1、在there be 句型中,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。(就近原则)

there is +单数名词/不可数名词。

there are + 复数名词。

1 there is a bird in the tree.

② there is a teacher and many students in our classroom.

there are two boys and a girl under the tree.

2、there be句型与h**e的区别:

there be 句型和h**e都表示“有”的含义。区别如下:there be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;h**e表示“某人拥有某物/某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。

eg.①he has two sons.

②there are two men in the office.

当h**e表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,there be 句型与其可互换。

eg. a week has seven days. =there are seven days in a week.


there is/are not +sb/sth.+…

注意not和no的不同:,not a/an/any + n. =no+ n.。

例如:there are some pictures on the wall. →there aren't any pictures on the wall.

there are no pictures on the wall.

there is a bike behind the tree. →there isn't a bike behind the tree.

there is no bike behind the tree.


there be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:


当主语是物时,用\"what\'s + 介词短语?"。


there are many things over there. →what's over there?

there is a little girl in the room.→who is in the room?

对地点状语提问:提问地点当然用"where is / are+主语?\"

例如:there is a computer on the desk. →where is the computer?

there are four children on the playground. →where are the four children?


how many+复数名词+are there+介词短语?

there are three birds in the tree.( 提问 )

trees __there in the tree.?

how much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?

there is some milk in the glass. (提问 )

milk __there in the glass?

topic 2 my home is in an apartment buiding

一。重点语法:there be 句型。

there be句型的否定句。

there be句型的疑问句。

there be句型的就近原则。

there be句型与h**e/has的区分。


1. for rent, 出租2. call sb at + 号码。请打。**与某人联系。

the end of 在… 的尽头/末尾

4. on the street corner =on the corner of the street 在街道的角落。

as 例如6. close to 与…靠近。

from 离…远8. move from … to …从…搬到。

townhouse with two floors 有两层楼的排房 10. in the county 在乡村。

with 与….玩耍

12. would like sb. to do sth.=want sb. to do sth.想某人做某事。

cost of living 生活消费 14. a lot of 很多。

like 像 apartment building 套房。

money 存钱 for help 打**求助。

sports 做运动、锻炼20 h**e a colorful life 过着丰富多彩的生活

kind to 对…友好 kind of…?什么类型(种类)的…?

be +名词+doing+sth.+ 地点某处有…正在做某事。

many floors…多少层。

三。重点句型 :(译出中文)

kind of home do you live in?

traffic is he**y and the cost of living is high.

are many old people and many families with young children living there .

4. how many floors are there in your building?


rent 出租。wanted求租。rent sth to sb把某物租给某人rent sth from sb 从某人处租某物。


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