
发布 2022-12-20 13:15:28 阅读 7409

unit 6 topic 3

语法:条件状语从句: 由if (如果), unless ( 如果不…;除非….)等词引导。

如:if everyone obeys the traffic rules, the roads will be much safer. 如果每个人都遵守交通规则,那么道路就会安全得多。

we will go there next saturday unless it rains. 如果不下雨的话,我们下星期六去那里。


section a

一、 预习(黑体的为重点词汇和短语)

1a ) l1: traffic accident 交通事故 passenger 乘客 be / get hurt 受伤。

l2: terrible 糟糕的 crazy 疯狂的。

l3: get used to 习惯于/ 适应… be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事。

l4: anywhere 任何地方 a little more confident 更自信一点。

l6: obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则

l10: s**e energy 节约能源。

l11: cause air pollution引起空气污染。

l12: agree / disagree with sb. 同意/ 不同意某人。

二、 重点句型

1. it is easy to … 是容易的。

2. i agree / disagree with you. i think … 我同意 / 不同意你。我认为….

3. it is + adj. +to do sth. 做某事是…..

配套练习:1. if it __tomorrow, we will stay at home. we won’t go to the museum.

a. rain b. rains c. will rain d. rained

2. if nancy __the exam, she will go to australia for english study.

a. pass b. passed c. passes d. will pass

3. when you __the classroom, please turn off the lights.

a. left b. are le**ing c. le**e d. le**es

4. it’s bad __about waste ***** everywhere.

a. throw b to throw c. throwing d. throws

5. li lan comes from guangzhou. she isn’t used __in north china.

a. live b. to live c. to living d. living

6. if everyone tries not to use the car often, there will be __air pollution.

a. much b. more c. fewer d. less

7. if she __the early bus, she __there on time.

a. catches; will get b. will catch; will get c. will catch; gets d. catches; gets

8. the family decided not to tell the grandma the truth because they were __****** her so sad.

a. afraid of b. because of c. thinking of d. proud of

完成句子。9. 她在这场交通事故中受了重伤。

shethe traffic accident.


there __fewer aciddents if people

11. 学好英语不容易。

to learn english well.

12. 我不同意,那太危险了。

iyou. it’s too dangerous.

section b (45页)


1a)l1. caishikou street 菜市口街 l2. careless 不小心的,不仔细的

l3. wear bicycle helmets 戴自行车头盔

l5. light-colored 浅颜色的 l8: break 破坏 l9:

get a fine 罚款 in danger 处于危险中 l10:traffic rules 交通局。

2b)on the left-hand side of the road = on the left of the road 在马路左边。

配套练习:1. beth make so many mistakes in this test. she was too __

a. useful b. careful c. careless d. comfortable

2. if you __ill, you should see a doctor at once.

a. will be b. are c. be d. am

3. you must wear a helmet if you __a motorcycle.

a. ride b. will ride c. to ride d. riding

4. they won’t go on a trip if it __tomorrow.

a. will rain b. rain c. rains d. raining

5. if you break the traffic rules, you __a fine.

a. got b. get c. gets d. will get

section c (47页)


1a)l1:one of + the + 最高级 + 名词复数 (最…之一)

one of the most important vehicles 最重要的交通工具之一。

l2:use ….for sth. /doing sth. 把…用于…

l3:become fit 变得健康 l4:hears and lungs 心脏和肺 environment 环境。

l6:share …with… 与…分享… truck 卡车 notice 注意。

l7:pay attention to sth./ doing sth. 注意。

l8: traffic signals 信号 safety 安全,平安 l9:protect 保护 l10:reflector 反光玻璃

l11:in case of 万一,如果, l12:first aid 急救 injury 伤害,损伤 call … for help 打…**求助 in a word 总而言之,总之。

2 ) look out and always be careful 小心谨慎。

配套练习。1. tom will h**e __holiday in canada.

a. three weeks b. three-week c. a three-week d. three week

2. -do you know emergency ( 紧急) telephone numbers?

-- yes. for example, _fire, we can call 119.

a. because of b. because c. in case of d. if

3there’s an old man ahead. you shouldn’t play soccer here.

a. look after b. look up c. look the same d. look out

4. a friend will __sadness and happiness __you.

a. share … with b. cover…with c. agree…with d. learn…with

section d ( 49页)


1 )l1: qinghai lake 清海湖 salt-water 咸水湖。

l2:lend 把…借给,给予

l3: the province of qinghai 清海省。

l4: stream 小河,溪 empty into 流入。

l8:race 比赛 asia 非洲 altitude 海拔。

l9:among 在…中 host 主办 the international cycling union 国际自行车联合会。

50页)l1 : the tour de france 环法自行车赛。


unit 1 topic one 1.看见某人做过 常做,将做 某事。2.看见某人正做某事。3.更喜欢 4.更喜欢做。5.喜欢a胜过b 喜欢做a 胜过做b 6.在暑假期间。7.为某人加油 喝彩 鼓励某人。8.练习做某事。9.相当多,很多。10.经常做某事。11.打乒乓球。12.了解关于某人的情况。1...


1.帮某人的忙。2.生病 3.乐意于做。4.中的一个。5.介意 不 做。6.练习做。7.开始做某事。8.喜欢做某事。9.继续做某事。10.让某人一直做某事。11.阻止某人做某事。12.完成做某事。13.递 给某人。14.为某人做 15别的 安静的 有趣的地方。16.当然不。17.最好 不 要做。18...


unit 1 topic three 1.在运动会上。2.举行运动会。3.在操场上。4.一个八岁大的男孩。5.获得许多乐趣。7.许多,大量。8.为某事作准备。9.为做 作准备。10.与某人交朋友。11.一双跑鞋。12.在教师接力赛中。13.在跳远 高中。14.即将来临。15.即将来临的运动会。16....