仁爱版八年级 上 英语Unit2Topic

发布 2022-12-30 00:43:28 阅读 3997


unit 2keeping healthy

topic 3section candsection d


1. spread v.传播。例如:

the news soon spread through the town.消息很快传遍了全城。

word spread quickly about the accident.关于这个事故的传闻不胫而走。2. examine v.检查,诊断。例如:

the doctor examined her carefully and found her in good health.医生对她作了仔细检查,发现她非常健康。3.

s**e v.救,节约。例如:

they fought br**ely and s**ed the country.他们勇敢战斗,挽救了这个国家。

children should learn to s**e.小孩要学会节约。4. hate v.恨,讨厌。例如:

some people hate working in early morning.有些人不喜欢清晨工作。i hate women smoking.我不喜欢女人抽烟。


1. go ahead开始干吧,干下去。例如:

--may i start? -yes, go ahead.我可以开始了吗?

好,开始吧。--will you do me a f**our? -go ahead.


take care of oneself= look after oneself照顾好自己。例如:you should take care of yourself.



1. -hi, may i ask you a question? -sure go ahead.

2. -what we should do to fight sars? -we must h**e healthy food.

3. -hello! could i speak to dr.

lee yuping, please?--i’m afraid he’s busy right now.

4. please tell my father to take care of himself.5.

-how did you spend your time at home?--i taught myself on the internet.

6. he took an active part in the battle against sars.

7.--must we keep the windows open all the time? -no, we don’t h**e to.


1. must与h**e to的区别:

1)must着重说明主**法,而h**e to比较强调客观需要。例如:we must study hard.

我们必须努力学习。there was no bus, so they had to walk home.没有公共汽车了,因此,他们只好走路回家。

we had to be there at ten.我们得在10点钟到达那里。

we’ll h**e to do it again.我们将不得不重做一次。2.情态动词could的用法:1)表示许可。例如:

he asked if he could smoke in the hall.他问可不可在大厅里吸烟。2)表示可能性。例如:

he said he couldn’t agree any more.他说他再同意不过了。


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