
发布 2022-12-23 03:41:28 阅读 2775

八年级上册unit 2 topic 2

imust ask him to give up smoking.

section a



a soccer game on tv



to bed late 晚睡 bad/good for…对……有害/益。

morning/eye exercises 做早操/眼保健操。

exercise=do/play sports 做运动/锻炼。

into 投入

around 乱扔。

10. keep fingernails long 留长指甲。

11. play sports right 进行适当的体育锻炼。

12. go to school without breakfast



1. what’s wrong? =what’s up?= what’s happening ? what’s the matter/trouble? 怎么了?

2. staying up late is bad for your health.

(1) stay up = sit up熬夜, 如:we stayed up until midnight to see the new year coming.

(2) 动词ing形式(动名词)可直接放句首作主语,谓语动词用单三形式。

3.i am sorry to hear that.听到这我感到很难过。这是表示同情的一种说法。当你听到别人不幸的事情时,应说此句用来表示你的同情。

4.on tv/the phone“(通过)电视/**”,或直接译成“在电视上/**上”。

5.i see.我明白了。此句为口语,在这里see指“明白,理解”之意。

e.g.his younger brother didn't see the meaning of the story.

6. going to school without breakfast 不吃早饭去上学。

without介词,没有。without sth./doing sth.反义词是with

【例】i can’t pass the exam___your help.

a.with b.without c.don’t h**e d.not h**e

section b


in the sun 在阳光下阅读 the news***** 在报纸上。

him relax帮助他放松 too bad太糟糕了。

article says 文章说 terrible太可怕了。

up 放弃 your news*****借你的报纸。

9. go for a walk 去散步; take a walk = h**e a walk 散步。


1.relax放松。relax sb./oneself放松某人(某人自己)。e.g.listening to music can relax you.relaxed可用作形容词,“使人感到放松的”。

2.i must ask him to give up smoking.

give up doing sth. =stop doing sth. 放弃做某事

give up“放弃”,代词放在中间。e.g.give it up

must not read in the sun.

in the sun 在阳光下(此处不能用under the sun )

4. don’t throw litter around.

throw around 到处扔,如:throw litter around= throw around litter (litter是名词,即可以放后也可以放中间,但代词只能放中间,如:throw it around )

litter作动词,意思与throw about相当。e.g.don't litter the ground with *****.作不可数名词时,指“垃圾,废物”。e.g.you mustn't throw about litter.

5. look, the article says smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer. 看,文章上说抽烟对我们的肺有害,它甚至能导致癌症。

1)say 在此处指书面材料,文字记载上的“说”,表示文字材料或可见的东西提供信息、指示等均可用say 。 如:the guidebook say we should turn left.


2)cause 这个词有两种词性,在此处是动词。


1)接名词:cause an accident/trouble/death/a fire/a serious illness/damage引起事故/惹麻烦/导致死亡/引起大火/导致重病/造成损害。

2)接双宾语:cause 给某人带来痛苦/麻烦/损害。

3)接复合宾语:cuase sb. to do sth使某人做某事。

the sound caused me to jump back. 那声音吓得我向后退。


you h**e no cause to cry. 你没理由哭。

i borrow your news***** and show it to my father.我可以借下你的报纸给我爸爸看看吗?


. 首先,看看这个词: borrow, 向他人借东西,一般这样来用: borrow something from somebody:

may i borrow your magazine for a while? 我能借你的杂志一会儿吗?

. lend: vt. &vi.把…借给(借出去) lend sth to sb.=lend sb sth.

can you lend me 10 dollars? 能借给我10块钱吗?

7. it will keep you active during the day.

(1)keep + 宾语 + 补语 (补语可以是:动词ing 形式; 形容词; 介词短语 )

i’m sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time. (keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事 )


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