
发布 2022-12-30 02:43:28 阅读 7097

unit 4 topic 2 how can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?

section a


1. 以谈论**为话题,主要学习多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法。

2. 了解到自然灾害对我们造成的灾难,增强自然灾害防范意识。





快来看另两个最严重的超过/多于fall downlose one’s life保护….免收….的伤害向….寻求帮助的数量。

三 【分析点拨】

1. strike (v.) 侵袭,爆发”,对象通常为灾难或疾病。过去式是struck

the area wasby the bird flu. 那片地区爆发了禽流感。

2. fall down 倒塌,跌倒,下落。

iand hurt my knee. 我摔倒弄伤了膝盖。

3. another “又一,再一;另一(事物或人)”,后面可接单数名词,或数字加复数的名词。

another+数字+复数名词 ==数字+more+复数名词。

would you likeapple? 你想再要一个苹果吗?

another 3 hours另外三个小时。

4. more serious 是比较级形式。多音节和部分双音节形容词和副词的比较级形式由“more+形容词或副词”构成,最高级由“the more+形容词或副词”构成。

more更漂亮 the most最重要的。

5. lose one’s life/ lives “失去生命”

many peoplein the earthquake. 许多人在**中失去生命。

6. protect (v.) 保护” 名词形式:protection

we should pay attention to theof the great wall. 我们应该重视对长城的保护。


you need wear warm clothes to __you __the cold. 你需要穿暖些以免着凉。




1. he**y2. thin

3. safe4. delicious

5. well


1. 语文和数学哪一科更重要?

which ischinese __math?

2. 李芳是三个女孩中最漂亮的。

li fang isof the three girls.

3. 有多少人在那场大火中丧生?

how many peoplein that terrible fire?

4. 太阳镜能够保护我们的眼睛不受阳光的伤害。

sunglasses canour eyesthe sun.

5. 婴儿在学走路时经常摔倒。

babies oftenwhen they learn to walk.


on themorning of wednesday, april 14th, 2010, a terrible earthquakestrongly. itin yushu county in qinghai province, near the border of tibet. most of the houses in the countydown in a very short time.

hundreds of people wereand 2,698 __in the earthquake. it was __serious earthquake in chinathe wenchuan earthquake __2008. the whole nation __very sad and people got together to help them.

unit 4 topic 2 how can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?

section b


1. 以谈论**为话题,主要学习多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法。

2. 学会如何在**中保护自己或自救。







1. hear about= hear of 听说。

ithe good news not long ago. 我是不久前听说这个好消息的。

hear from 收到。的来信;得到。的消息。

how often do youyour pen pal? 你每隔多久收到你必有的来信?

2. how to protect yourselves 为“疑问词+动词不定式短语”,作动词know的宾语。


a question. 怎样去那里是一个问题。

the question is问题是什么时候开始。

i don’t knownext. 我不知道下一步该怎么做。

3. out of “(从。里)出来;没有,缺少”

don’t lookthe window. 不要向窗外看。

4. 动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

is good for us. 跑步对我们有好处。

5. what’s the matter with...what’s wrong with...某人/物)出什么事了/怎么了?”

6. else (adj.) 别的;其他的。常用在疑问代词或不定代词之后。

what __do you want? 你还要别的什么东西吗?

nothing __happened. 没有其他的事情发生。


1. that old house __fall) down yesterday.

2. did miss wang tell you how to protectyou) from the earthquakes, my children?

3stay) under the table or bed is safer when an earthquake happens.

4. in a big city, there are lots of tall __build) and cars.

5. more than ten __thousand) people lost their homes in the flood.


1. 你听说这件事了吗?

did youit?

2. 孩子们一听到铃声就跑出教室。

these childrenthe classroom as soon as they heard the bell ringing.

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