
发布 2021-05-23 23:57:28 阅读 3634

1. hono(u)r vt.(1)尊敬。

e. g. children should honour their father andmother.孩子应该尊敬父母。


e. g. flowers were placed there to honour hismemory.鲜花摆放在那里为了纪念他。


e. g. you honour us by being with us today.今天你和我们在一起这是我们的荣幸。

i am honoured to be asked to speak here.被邀请在此讲话是我的荣幸。

honour n.




a man of honour would not beh**e in so cowardly


e. g. one must show honour to ones parents.一个人必须尊敬父母。

4)使感到光荣的人或事,荣幸(可数,多作单数)e. g. its an honour to meet you.见到你十分荣幸。

比较:in honour of为了(纪念或表示敬意而举行某活动)


a memorial meeting was held in his honour.为了纪念他而举行纪念会。

h**e the honour (of)有幸,,荣幸地。

e. g. may i h**e the honour of your company atdinner?我能有幸与您共进晚餐吗?

2. determine vt.(1)决定。

e. g. his future has not been determined, but hemay study medicine.


can we now determine the date for our party?我们现在能决定派对的日期吗?


determine+不定式to do

e. g. she determined to go that very afternoon.她决心就在那个下午走。


he had been determined that no one should know.他决意不让任何人知道。


他的声音很坚决,他的眼睛闪闪发亮。determination n.(1)决心(不可数)

e. g. he came with the determination ofstaying/to stay one week.他决心呆一周。



self-determination n.自主,自我决定3. purposen.目的,意图,目标。

e. g. what is your purpose in doing this?你做这件事的目的是什么?

比较:forpurpose为了,目的on purpose有意地,故意地,特意。

of seeing you.


ive come on purpose to speak to you.我来是特意要与你谈谈。

she did it on purpose.她是故意那样做。4. remindern.提醒的人(物),暗示。

e. g. please give me a reminder this afternoonto phone him.请下午提醒我给他打**。

remind v.使,想起,提醒。

1)+ of短语e. g. that story you h**e just toldreminds me of an experience i once had.

你刚刚讲的故事使我想起了我曾经有过的经历。(2)+ sb. to do e.

g. please remind me to writethat letter.请提醒我写信。

3)+从句e. g. the sight of the clock reminded

me that i was late.

看见时钟使我想起我迟到了。 v.

1)compare with比较,指同类事物的具体比较 are differences as well as similarities.

比较这两种语言,可以发现它们有同有异。parents like to compare their own children withother children.

父母们总喜欢把自己的孩子与别的孩子进行比较。(2) compare to比作,指非同类事物的抽象比较莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。

people often compare girls to flowers.人们经常把女孩子比作花朵。

3) compared to/ with与,比起来,常在句中作状语,可位于句首或句尾,to和with可通用。

it was a small place then compared to/ with whatit is now.


1)put on表示穿上的动作。

e. g. he put on his coat and went out hurriedly.他穿上外衣匆匆忙忙地出去了。


e. g. he was a short man wearing thick glasses.他是一个带着厚厚的眼镜的矮小的人。

3) dress既可表示动作也可表示状态,作及物动词时,后面宾语是人,即dress sb. /oneself (in sth. )或be dressed in sth.

e. g. she dressed the baby in red.她给孩子穿上了红色的衣服。

4) h**e on表示穿着状态,无进行时。

e. g. she had a red dress on.她穿了一件红裙子。(5)be in sth.表示状态。

e. g. hes in plain clothes.他身着便装。what colour is your child in?你的孩子穿着什么颜色的衣服?

7. light的用法。

1)adj.明亮的(=bright),浅色的(=pale)e. g. his room is light and airy.他的房间又亮又通风。

it gets light at about six oclock.六点左右天亮。

she has a light green dress.她有一条淡绿色的裙子。


g. thetest-tube was glowing with a faint blue light.试管里发出微弱的蓝光。



3) v. (light, lit, lit)和(light, lighted,lighted)

点燃(生炉子)e. g. when it was dark we lit thecandles.天黑时我们点上了蜡烛。

照亮e. g. our streets are lit by electricity.街道被灯光照亮。


e. g. her face lighted when she saw who it was.当她看清是谁时,她的脸亮了起来。

suddenly a smile lit (up) her face.突然微笑使她的脸亮了起来。

4)light up动词短语。

照亮,点亮 street.燃烧的建筑物照亮了整条街道。


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