
发布 2021-05-24 00:01:28 阅读 4834

第一讲 unit 1 friendship

一、 考点、热点回顾。


1. add up 加起来add up sth/ add sth up 加起某物。

add to 添加,使增强* add up to 共计为 (后跟一个数值或一件事的整体)

2. be upset about 对…..心烦。

3. ignore sb. /sth.

忽略/不理睬 ignorant adj. (be ignorant of/ about sth.不知道某事) ignorance n.

4. calm (sb) down 使某人平静下来5. h**e got to=h**e to(主观) 不得不。

6. be concerned about doing sth 关心,观念某事 as far as i’m concerned * 就我个人而言,依我之见。

through 经历,经受;仔细检查;浏览;(法案)通过

区别get through 接通**;通过(考试);用光,用尽。

8. set down 记下,写下 set off 动身,出发 set about doing sth =set out to do 着手做某事。

9. a series of 一系列 10. walk the dog 遛狗 11. take care of 照料 12. go on holiday 度假。

13. get loose 松掉了 14. take the end-of –term exam 参加期末考试 15. someone else’s 别人的。

16. hide way 躲起来 17. be /grow crazy about doing 对…..痴狂

18. stay awake 保持醒着 19. h**e sth./ nothing to do with 与……有(无)关。

20. on purpose 故意地 21. keep sb. spellbound 令某人心迷神往。

22. in order to do sth. =so as to(否定in order not to) 为了做某事。

22. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 sth. happen to sb. 某物发生在某人身上。

23. give far too much light 发出太亮的光。

24. at dusk 在黄昏25. entire adj. 完全的 entirely adv.

26. face to face adv. 面对面地face-to-face adj. 面对面的。

27. settle 解决 settle down 定居28. suffer from 遭受(痛苦或疾病)

29. recover from 从…中恢复30. no longer/ not any longer 不再。

31. get/be tired of (doing sth.) 对….厌倦 get tired with/ from 因……而疲劳。

32. pack (sth) up 将某物打包33. h**e trouble with 做某事费力。

34. get along (well) with 与……相处很好 35. be good at doing sth 对……擅长。

36. be grateful for 对…… 感激 be grateful to sb.

37. join in=take part in + 某项活动 join + 组织

38. laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人39. it’s no pleasure doing sth….做某事不再愉快。

40. communicate with sb. 与某人交流41. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人。


1. i wonder if… 我想知道,我不知道…是否…

eg. a: i wonder if i will like this book.我不知道我会不会喜欢这本书。

b: maybe. i know i enjoyed it.也许吧。我知道我很喜欢。

2. it + be + 被强调部分 + that从句。

3. not… until… 直到…才… eg. i didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut.

4. it +be + 序数词(the first, the second…)+that 从句 (注意主从句时态)

eg. it was the first time in a year and a half that i’d seen the night face to face.

5. 情态动词+h**e+ v-ed. (表虚拟)

6. the dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.


1、add vi./vt.

add to 增添。

add a to b 往…添加…

add up (together) 合计。

add up to 加起来总和是。

the piece of musicour enjoyment.

please __some salt to the soup.

pleasethe numbers and i'm sure they willmore than 100.

拓展】you’d better___your scores and see if you h**e passed the exam. c

a. add up to b. add to c. add up d. add

2、get / h**e + 宾语 + done 是“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”结构。

get / h**e + 宾语 + done 让……被做 get / h**e + sb. +doing 让某人一直做。

get + sb. +to do = h**e sb. do 让某人做……

he had / gotyesterday. 昨天他让人给修自行车了。

the boss has /gets him working 12 hours a day. 老板让他一天工作12个小时。

拓展】before driving into the city, you are required to get your car __a

a. washed b. wash c. washing d. to wash

3、upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的 vt. 使烦恼。

be upset about … 因……心烦、苦恼、不适 upset sb. 使某人心烦意乱。

heher illness. 他为她的病而忧心忡忡。

his father died when she was ten,and it stillher.

4、ignore vt. 忽视,对…不予理睬。

ignorance n. 无知

ignorant adj. 无知的。

be ignorant of/about sb./sth. 对某人/某物不知道。

he ignores the doctor’s advice and goes on smoking.

it’s dangerous to ignore traffic rules. 忽视交通规则是很危险的。

she saw him coming but she ignored him. 她看见他走过来,但假装没看到他。

5、calm adj. 冷静的,平静的; vt.使平静,镇静。

calm down平静下来,镇静下来calm...down使平静/镇静下来keep calm 保持冷静。

please冷静下来)and let me know what has happened.

6、concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系。

concerned adj.担心的;忧虑的 concerning prep.关于;涉及。

1 i am notwith that matter any longer.

2 protecting the environment isn’t just the business of a few people. it’s a matter that __all of us.

7、go through (1)经历;经受(2)浏览,翻阅 (3)完成,用光;(4)通过,穿过 (5) 搜寻。

how long will it take you to go through the task?

our plan on how to spend our summer holidays didn't ~

i always start the day bymy mail.


1.personal 个人的 私人的。短语 a personal opinion个人意见 personality人格 个性 personalize使个性化 用法 personally speaking for myself only就自己而言,就个人来说,或 in person亲身 亲自地。配套练习...


loointo调查。insiston uponsth doing坚持做,坚决做belongto属于。get belost beissing迷路,丢失doith处理 对付。insearchof inthe one ssearchfor寻找beusedtodosth.被用来做某事beusedtodoin...


loointo调查。insiston uponsth doing坚持做,坚决做belongto属于。get belost beissing迷路,丢失doith处理 对付。insearchof inthe one ssearchfor寻找beusedtodosth.被用来做某事beusedtodoin...