初三英语新目标Unit1 5重点词汇词组

发布 2021-05-23 22:26:28 阅读 9059


一词语辨析: probably, maybe的区别。

1).probably 和 maybe 都是副词,都有可能的意思。probably 是很有可能,十之**。

其语义较强,可能性较大。在否定句中,probably 不能紧跟在否定词之后。

eg: i t will probably be fine tomorrow. she probably won’t come here.

2). maybe 意思是也许,可能 ,在句中作状语,= perhaps, 常位于句首。

eg: maybe she’ll come this afternoon.

during, between, among 的区别。都是介词。

during 在….期间,指时间概念; between 表示在两者之间; among 表示三者或三者之上。eg:

during the winter holiday, we’ll go to beijing.

there is a river between the two cities.

he is the tallest boy among the boys in his


are many newbuild) in our city.

can do the work with __little) money andfew) people than they can.

he wants to goskate).

willfinish) the work tomorrow.

arehundred) of people on the ground.

100 years there will be更少污染).

爱上了) the big city of shanghai as soon as i got there last year.

are可以) dress casually at home.

9.—i want to fly a __火箭) to the moon. —are you __开玩笑)?

read again and fill in the blanks :

十年后),i think i成为一名记者)。i将住在)shanghai. because i __go)to shanghai last year.

and爱上)it.. i think it’s真的是美丽的城市作为一个记者),i think i将遇到很多有趣的人). i think i将住在一个公寓里)with my best friend, because i don’t喜欢单独住).

i will养宠物) .i不能养宠物) now because my mother憎恨他们),and our公寓)is __太小)。so十年后),i将养很多不同的宠物).

i甚至可能养一只宠物)parrot!. i将可能)go skating and swimming every day在一周期间)i will看起来很迷人)。and或许)?

will穿西服).on the weekend, i我将可能穿得更随意),i think i’ll go to hongkong___度假),and某一天)i甚至可能)visit australia.

i think that france will赢下届世界杯)。

三 【课堂知识点检测】

1. she always gets to school early___she? a. isn’t b. doesn’t c. hasn’t d. does

2. they __buy a new book on the way, wil they? a. won’t b. will c. aren’t d. are

3. the ones with nuts are __of all. a.

nice b. nicer c. the nicest d.

the most nice

4. how many players __in a football team?

a. there are b. are there c. there will be d. will there be

5. this year the spring festival is __february 9. a. at b. in c. on d. about

6. this robot doesn’t work. there must be __it. a. wrong something with

b. something wrong with c. nothing wrong to d. something wrong to

7. i’m afraid i __a little lat. a. maybe b. may c. be d. may be

8. shanghai is __the east of china. a. in b. at c. to d. on

9. there will be __people in 50 years. a. less b. fewer c. more d. better

10. it is about two __kilometers away from france.

a. thousands b. thousands of c. thousand of d. thousand

11. the harder you study,__you’ll become.

a. and clever b. more clever c. the clever d. the more

12. kate has a __she likes little animals. a.

cat pet b. pet cat c .animal catd .

animal pet.


1. 有一个机器人2. 在100年之内。

3. 活到200岁4.呆在家里通过电脑学习。

5. 爱上某物6. 更少的人

7. 更少的时间8. 更少/更多的污染

9. 更多的高楼10. 住在公寓/空间站。

11. 作为一名记者12. 在这附近工作。

13. 养一只宠物鹦鹉14. 在这一周期间

15.一个人住16. 在大学

17. 空间站18. 看上去聪明

19. 穿着西服20. 穿着更随便

21. 乘飞船飞往月球里22. 赢下一届世界杯

25.为了我的工作面试26. 变成现实

read the passage and fill in the blanks:

预言未来). can be困难)。there are很多著名的预言从没有实现).

before 1929, there was无声电影最大的电影公司之一的领导)in the united states预言)that no one would___want看演员说话当然了),he was wrong! in 1997最大的电脑公司的经理) in the united states said, “no one will want to h**e a computer in his or her home.” he __think) that computers would never使用被多数人)。


1. i think we should reduce (减少) p___and keep the car clean.

2. he’s 21 years old. he’s studying in c___

3. there will be more tall b___on both sides of the streets in the years.


unit 15 lankly speaking 老实说,说实话。lay off 裁员,解雇 aside from 除 之外 fail to do sth 未能做,失败 gradua从 毕业 gd 被提升,升职 go blank 一片空白 swell with anger regret 充满愤怒 遗憾...

新目标英语九年级Unit15的教学反思 3

分类 作文 教师天地 教学反思 英语教学反思 新目标英语九年级unit 15的教学反思 3 五。注意培养自学能力教是为了学生的 学 是要让学生 会学 因此,我重视对学生的课外学习的指导,帮助他们养成良好学习习惯和自学能力。我经常提醒自己要做到以下几点 1 早读课,每天两名学生领着同学们坚持听课文录音...


作者 经锦。中学生英语 九年级 2009年第04期。单词识记。1 furry adj.毛发的,似毛皮的。2 enormous adj.巨大的,庞大的 enormously adv.非常,极其。3 playful adj.顽皮的,爱玩耍的 play v.玩,打。4 aggressive adj.侵犯的...